Coping with an adult with Asperger’s (3)

In this third blog on living with a person with Asperger’s, (see Coping with an adult with Asperger’s (1) and (2), we look at further behavioral patterns of the sufferer and ways families and friends can better deal with difficulties encountered in everyday interactions with individuals with the condition. Asperger’s Disorder makes for difficulties in understanding the emotions of others as well as interpreting subtle communication skills, as transmitted through eye contact, facial expressions, and body language. This often leads to the person with this disorder being labeled as rude, uncaring, cold, and unfeeling. While it is natural for those … Continue reading

Adults with Asperger’s Disorder

In What is Asperger’s Disorder? we looked at an overview of this condition which forms one of the autistic spectrum disorders, a developmental disorder that influences how the brain processes information, particularly in the area of social cues. Much of the available literature on Asperger’s deals with the diagnosis and treatment of children with the disorder. Similar material can often be difficult to find on adult sufferers. This is largely due to the fact that the DSM-IV criteria for the diagnosis of Asperger’s is of relatively recent origin. The disorder was only distinguished as a condition in its own right … Continue reading

What is Asperger’s Disorder?

The first time Elise met her mother-in-law she was struck by the fact that the woman seldom made eye contact with her. Instead she looked slightly over her shoulder into the distance, even when she was talking to her. The first time she hugged her mother-in-law, after receiving a Christmas gift from her, the mother-in-law became perfectly rigid and did not return the hug. Looking around at the rest of the family, Elise noticed that they were all holding their breath. Apparently no-one ever hugged Mom. Elise was at a loss to know what she was dealing with. Over time, … Continue reading

Symptoms of Autism

Do you suspect your child may have autism? Varying degrees of autism exist and are often related to the IQ level of the child, with those of higher IQ being less severely affected by the disorder. However, a diagnosis of autism requires the child to satisfy the following criteria: A. A total of six or more items from (1), (2) , and (3), with at least two from (1), and one each from (2) and (3): 1. Noticeable impairment in social interaction in at least two of the following: a) cannot maintain eye-to-eye gaze, poor use of facial expression and … Continue reading

More about Autism

Following on from What is Autism? , we’ll now look at some of the many theories surrounding the development of autism, and try to make sense of the puzzling array of symptoms that characterize this disorder. Chloe is three-years-old and typifies the behavior of an autistic child. Chloe could be said to live in her own world – an observation used for generations to describe the everyday habits of the autistic child. She spends much of the day picking at the carpet and examining it, then throwing it in the air and watching it fall. She will become fascinated with … Continue reading

What is Autism?

Cameron is an angelic four-year-old with tumbling black curls and gorgeous blue eyes. Because of his striking looks he attracts more than his fair share of attention from passers-by, but the majority of them come away from an encounter with Cameron with a sense of frustration. He refuses to make eye-contact, shies away from conversation, and seldom responds even to the requests of his mother. His language skills are below par and he appears to lack the usual broad emotional range characteristic of his age. He avoids first-person pronouns in his speech: if asked does he want a cookie, Cameron … Continue reading