Should Both Parents Tend to the Baby at Night?

Whose job is it to get up in the middle of the night to tend to a crying infant? There was a time when the automatic assumption was that this task was entirely for the mother. Today, there are plenty of parents who realize that there are good reasons to share this responsibility. Babies are incredibly cute. They can also be exhausting. Many babies simply refuse to sleep through the night. They loudly let their parents know that they need a diaper change or want to be fed. At least one parent needs to get up to tend to the … Continue reading

The Sleep Puzzle

The past couple of nights have been difficult for me and my little one. He has not been sleeping well because he is sick with a cold virus. It is always difficult for the mom when your baby isn’t sleeping will. Sometimes, it can make you feel downright crazy. Well, lately, his naps have been a challenge, too. Yesterday, he spent almost two hours fighting his nap. I went in there several times to figure out what to do to  help him. I even offered a second bottle. Yet, he wasn’t hungry. I’m not sure what he needed exactly, except … Continue reading

My Baby Won’t Sleep Through the Night

Is your baby having trouble sleeping through the night? I know lots of moms who struggle with just this problem and I hear a lot of conflicting stories and tales about what to do and what not to do and how to help your baby make this adjustment. There’s a joke told around my family that for my husband, my daughter slept through the night, but I knew better – she woke up once a night for many months – I think she finally broke that habit around the age of 14 or 15 months. So, your baby won’t sleep … Continue reading

Catnaps, Naps and Your Toddler

Napping is a wonderful and regular part of your baby and toddler’s life. As a newborn, your precious bundle will sleep a great deal more than he or she will be awake. Your newborn and infant will usually nap two to three times a day. As they get older, their naps will shorten or the frequency of them will. By the time you reach toddler stage, they will likely be having just one nap per day. My daughter often took a morning nap between 9 and 11 and then later a nap between 3 and 5. By the time she … Continue reading