Who To Tell

When you hear that you have cancer one of the things that go through your head is how do I tell my family and friends? I was really hesitant to tell some friends that I knew way back when about the big c because I did not want their attitude and feelings towards me to change. Is that weird? Like if I take a trip back to where I grew up will my old friends look at me different or treat me different because I had cancer? Will people who were not my friends be nice to me now just … Continue reading

Do I Have A Scarlet C?

I have noticed that since I got the cancer diagnosis that people see the cancer diagnosis and not just plain me. Unless I have my shirt off you can’t see the changes that cancer has done to me so what is it about me that has changed so much that people change how they treat me? How can I convince people that I am much more than a cancer diagnosis, a source for cancer information? How do I get people to see beyond the diagnosis and just see me? Don’t get me wrong if I find out about people that … Continue reading

I Got My Spirit Back

There is something that cancer definitely did for me; well ok there are a few. One is it gave me my voice back and it gave me courage to stand up for myself. For many years since I moved to Texas and married my husband I allowed certain people in my extended family to treat me in a way that I never would have before. I was always the kind of girl to confront things head on. For example when I was a lot younger there was a guy I liked and when we parted ways because he went back … Continue reading

A New Site For Survivors

I found a new website that is like Facebook but for people, who have had, currently have or are supporters of cancer. The site is called IHADCANCER.com I like the site for a few reasons. One you can search for people in your area, your diagnosis, your age etc. The site will automatically search for people that are like you and near you too so you can add to your circle of support. This is great the site is only a few weeks old and there are thousands of members already. This site has a few things that I love … Continue reading

Housecleaning For Cancer Patients

Today I’m not writing a typical housekeeping blog, there will be no tips or hints or product reviews, instead, imagine trying to keep your home clean when you are seriously ill. Many women are very ill but still have to find a way to maintain their home or, if they are unable to, they continue to worry about it when they should be focused on getting better. Today I want to talk about a very special company that provides a service to cancer patients. It’s called Cleaning For A Reason and they clean the homes of cancer patients, for free. … Continue reading

Lilly Diabetes – Disney Partnership

Learning to live with diabetes, especially type 1, is a hard adjustment for anyone. But it might be the hardest for children. Now suddenly kids have an adult responsibility in watching what they eat while most other children around them consume whatever they want. Enter the Lilly Diabetes organization’s new partnership with Disney. Stitch Kingdom reports on the measures the diabetes awareness and research company has taken with Disney Online and Disney Publishing to raise public cognizance of the disease and to help families who struggle with it. The Lilly-Disney partnership takes two forms: a new subset of the Disney … Continue reading

Inspirational Survivor

So I have been chosen an Inspirational Survivor with a local Breast Cancer charity called the Jim and Joanie Hatcher Charitable Trust. Mr. Hatcher started this as a way to celebrate men and women battling breast cancer the disease that took his wife from him. Every year the organization would throw a luncheon for survivors celebrating another year in the fight. I received a gift bag with some pink pearls and pink pearl earrings and a photo shoot with a portrait studio. Anyone who knows me knows that I hate having my picture taken. I am not really feeling super … Continue reading

Celebrate Everything

A lady from my breast cancer support group nominated me for The Inspirational Survivor award for a local breast cancer charity and I got chosen. She had to write a letter telling me why I was an inspiration and she said some wonderful things about me; I paid her a lot to say them, just kidding. The letter mentioned how we had adopted our three kids, how my husband had battled cancer first and then I did and how we were making gift bags for cancer patients as they were completing their treatments. The bags were nothing fancy just a … Continue reading

What Not To Say

Some things you should not say to a person going through the cancer diagnosis and treatments even if you mean well. Some of these comments are just plain rude but others were said in a well-meaning way. 1. “God would not give you more than you can handle.” I cannot even begin to count the number of times I was told this. My standard reply was that God must have been looking at someone else if he thought I could handle this. I do believe in God but I don’t think that he gives people cancer. The way I was … Continue reading

Feeling Good About My Choice

I am feeling really good about my decision to change oncologist. My first oncologist Dr. Gloom really caused me a lot of stress. Don’t get me wrong I think even if I had not had him as my doctor the cancer diagnosis alone would have caused me stress. He just made it worse with his comment about not being able to cure it when it came back. It really felt to me like he was basically saying I was going to die and I was 35 with 3 small children and death was not in my plans. I did a … Continue reading