Beware of Bath Time Dangers!

New parents need to learn how to properly bathe their babies. Bathing a toddler requires a different set of skills. The goal, of course, is to make sure your little one is clean and comfortable. There are some bath time dangers that parents need to be aware of. Bath Toys and Bacteria That cute little rubber ducky that your baby or toddler loves to play with in the bathtub could be full of bacteria. A study published in Biofilms and Microbiomes found that bath toys are colonized by dense biofilms with complex bacterial and fungal communities. It’s not just rubber … Continue reading

When Baths are a Battle

When you welcomed your child into your home, you may have had idyllic ideas about the joys of bath time–perhaps you imagined a cherubic baby, all a-glow and splashing gleefully in the tub. The truth is however, that some children do not like baths, and for some parents, bath time becomes a struggle and a battle and ANYTHING but fun. What can be done? Several months ago, I touched on the subject of expecting children’s attitudes about bathing to change over time and that sometimes they might be into it and at other times they might not. For some children, … Continue reading

Why Dads Everywhere Should Do Bath Time

No. . .I don’t mean stinky dads should take a bath. Although I suppose that is a true statement. But bath time is the ideal bonding time with baby. Maybe I’m biased, because this has always been my husband’s job. However, we have found it to be a great opportunity for dad to get in on the act of bonding. Some of you have posted questions, or send me a PM asking how you can get your husband more involved with the baby. This is my answer: bath time. Skin to Skin Contact Skin to skin contact is essential for … Continue reading

Bath Time Fun

Tired of the old bath time routine? Me too! If you need a couple of quick and easy ways to spice of the watery experience, look no further. Here are several exciting ways you can make tub time more enjoyable and memorable tonight! Take a handful of those simple tea light candles, you know, the ones in those handy round little silver nests that IKEA, Pier 1 and other stores sell by the bag full, and position them safely around the bathroom. Only set the candles in places where they can be seen but not touched by your little bundles … Continue reading

No Tears Bath Time Visor

If washing your little one’s hair has become a struggle, you will love this project. You can make a bath time visor to keep shampoo and water -not to mention tears- out of your child’s eyes. It’s simple, it’s cheap, and it’s a fun project to work on with your child while you explain (with great joy) how washing his or her hair will now be easy and painless. Items needed: Craft foam Hole Punch Spiraling elastic cord Cut the craft foam into a half circle. You can use something round, like the lid from a medium sized food storage … Continue reading