Words That Stay with You

Never underestimate the power of music in your Christian life. I find it is a great help in reinforcing Christian truths. Last week, as our music group practiced the songs for Sunday, one of them was The Potter’s Hand. It was one I hadn’t been familiar with until I came to my current church after we moved house but the words of the song have stayed with me throughout the week like a daily prayer. Have a look at the words here and see if maybe you might want to adopt them as a daily prayer perhaps to start the … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Beatitudes

As I have revealed before, I am teaching a children’s Bible class on Sunday mornings. We are currently doing lessons through the Book of Matthew. When I came to the beginning of Matthew chapter five, I really, really struggled with the lesson. Matthew 5:3-12 is a section of scripture which begins what has been named the “sermon on the mount”; however, the specific verses mentioned deal with the beatitudes. I think that although this section of scripture is hard to understand, children still need to be exposed to the beatitudes and taught the beatitudes. One of the first things to … Continue reading