Don’t Step on a Bee Day (Or, In Murphy’s Case, Eat Them)

Today is Don’t Step on a Bee Day. You might recall a blog I wrote called Insect Inspector: Murphy’s “Bumble Rumble”. If not, this was the gist: Murph knows bees as bumbles and takes great pleasure in chasing them. Well, when I stumbled across Don’t Step on a Bee Day while compiling my list of July daily, weekly, and monthly celebrations I laughed and couldn’t help but think of Murphy. I thought I might have to write about it, so I made a note of it on my list of topics and sort of forgot about it. Until today. And … Continue reading

Travel Tidbits: It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s… A Swarm of Bees?

I don’t think there is a traveler out there whose heart wouldn’t race upon hearing the warning: “Prepare for an emergency landing.” So I can just imagine what passengers on board a flight from the United Kingdom to Portugal felt this weekend when they heard a “tremendous bang” after takeoff, and then the dreaded emergency landing warning. According to news reports, the “bang” passengers heard wasn’t a hydraulics problem or a piece of the plane snapping off; rather it was the sound of a swarm of bees being sucked into an engine. The good news is that no one was … Continue reading

Insect Inspector: Murphy’s “Bumble” Rumble

Ever since he was a pup, Murph’s loved chasing things. When we lived in Florida, he loved nothing better than being let loose through the sliding glass doors to chase the squirrels in the backyard. On walks, he took joy in leaping through the bushes after lizards. When we moved to Nashville we chose a house without either a fenced-in backyard or any trees for squirrels to call home. (After our experiences with the hurricanes in 2004, we’ve been leery of big trees living within striking range of our dwelling. As for the fenced yard, we walk Murph anyway –even … Continue reading