A Warning For People Who Pay Bills Online

Did you know that Americans pay one in four bills online? Paying your bills online is convenient. But consumer advocates say that convenience comes with a risk, especially if you have ditched all of your paper bills for cyber statements. According to the Anti-phishing Working Group, there is a new scam out there preying on people who are familiar with the online bill paying process. The scam works like this: an email similar to statements you receive from a company you owe money to is sent in a format that looks exactly like the bill you’re used to getting. Con … Continue reading

Marriage Problems or Money Problems?

Money problems can be one of the worst sources of stress in a marriage. If you and your mate recognize that it is the stress of financial problems that is causing strain in your marriage, you’ll be less likely to take things out on each other. Instead, you can work together to find solutions to these problems and avoid resentment. First, sit down and discuss the situation with your spouse at a convenient time. Go over the bills and decide together which ones must be paid first. Pay what you can and decide how to deal with the rest. This … Continue reading