Attracting Birds to Your Yard

It doesn’t take a ton of effort to attract feathered visitors to your yard or patio. All you need to offer is food, water, and shelter. Providing food for your visiting birds doesn’t have to mean a bird feeder and a constant supply of seed. Flowering and fruit-bearing plants provide sustenance, as do plants that attract insects. Bugs are a good source of protein! When it comes to water, a traditional birdbath isn’t necessary, but can be an attractive addition to your outdoor space. A shallow dish filled with water (like a large plant saucer or even a snow disc) … Continue reading

Frugal Bird Feeding: Food for Less

When we first started feeding the birds, we didn’t realize how much seed they would go through. It is amazing to realize the large volume of food that they can eat here in the summer, and that food seems to disappear almost as fast as I can replace it. I’m not sure if things will get better or worse in the winter, in terms of the amount of bird food consumed and the related expense. But I am concerned. So, after the last batch of seed was consumed in just a few days, I decided to do some research, as … Continue reading