What’s in Your Water?

Being born and raised in Memphis, I took our water supply for granted.  Over the years, I heard we had wonderful water because it came from artesian wells, whatever that was. Then, I moved to California.  I noticed that when I’d wash dishes, a film would remain on them.  I wondered what was being left inside when I drank the water.  Moving to Arkansas didn’t prove much better.  We still had film on dishes.  Then, we moved to Jacksonville, North Carolina.  Camp Lejeune, found in Jacksonville, had water contamination problems from 1953 through 1987.  Sigh. Now, I am finally back … Continue reading

BPA: Harder to Avoid Than Originally Thought?

You have probably heard about BPA (bisphenol A) and how some believe it is bad for our health. BPA is an industrial chemical used to make plastics. In 2002 alone, there was 2.8 million tons of BPA produced, so there is a lot of it out there. You have probably heard experts warn not to reuse your water bottles, choose BPA-free plastic baby bottles, don’t microwave polycarbonate plastic food containers (use glass instead), and just plain avoid any plastic that has the No. 7 recycling label because it is made with BPA. Right now, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) … Continue reading

Banning Bottled Water

Bottled water is so convenient, isn’t it. In fact, many billions of dollars have been spent on advertising campaigns to show us how cool you are if you use bottled water. But the tide is changing. More and more people are speaking out against bottled water, and even banning it in some places. Why the change? Did you know that when a study was launched to find the best tasting water in America, the winner was did not come from a spring somewhere in main but the from the taps of New York City? I am not kidding. Growing up … Continue reading

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: More Painless Ways to do Our Part

Sometimes, we hardly have enough time in a day for the barest necessities. Maybe we don’t feel that we have time for extra projects. Then there are those who think the whole “green” thing is over the top, so they don’t want to go out of their way with the environmental stuff. Good news! Either way, the following options are not only painless, but some of them will even save us time and money while doing something good for the environment. It’s all good. Just Say No to Bottled Water First, it costs too much, in my opinion; it’s water. … Continue reading