When You Have to Pump

There are lots of reasons mothers decide to pump milk. Sometimes nursing is not going well, and so a mother decides to pump milk and then give it through a bottle. Other times women need or want to go back to work. For some women, pumping becomes necessary when their baby is in the NICU. Still others, cannot breastfeed due to medications they may be taking. They “pump and dump” to maintain their supply so they can breastfeed after they are finished with their medications. This is an article for women who have to (or choose to) pump for the … Continue reading

Breastfeeding Full Term Multiples

I must say, before I begin this blog that there are a few things to note. First of all, you’ll notice in the title that this article is for full-term multiples. Nursing preemies (which many multiples are) is an entirely different story. I’ll blog on that later. Secondly, you can breastfeed more than one successfully and exclusively. However, breastfeeding two is a tricky proposition. Most mothers of twins that I know or have talked to over the last few years, usually supplement with formula, especially in the early days. I don’t say this to discourage you, but I say this … Continue reading