Wedding Dresses: Buyer Beware

Several months ago one of the local news stations here in Nashville ran a story about a bride-to-be who couldn’t return her wedding dress when her fiance died before their wedding day. (I think this was back around the time my mom got diagnosed with a month to live and went into the hospice. Which is why I didn’t write about it sooner. I’m just now working my way down the list of ideas I had back then.) I don’t remember exactly how her fiance died. (I want to say car accident, but that might not be right.) How he … Continue reading

New Cabbage Soup Diet Website

This just goes to show you that anybody can create a website and make money! Somebody struck Google advertising gold when they decided to start their own website about the Cabbage Soup Diet. Anybody who has done any kind of dieting has at least heard of the Cabbage Soup Diet. The diet that promises “The more soup you eat the more weight you lose”. This diet has been around far longer than the internet. It began in the days when diets were written down by hand and photocopied to be shared by co-workers and with family members. This new website … Continue reading