7 Cs You Need in a Happy Marriage

Years ago at school, getting a C on a paper or test was a terrible thing. Then at university a C was okay, as it meant a pass with credit. But some Cs are definitely good things in a marriage. Here are some of them. Caring Marriage is about caring for the other person. A couple usually get married because they care so much about each other that they want to spend their lives together. But caring alone is not enough to build a lifetime marriage on. You‘ll need some other Cs. Communication Each of us needs to be able … Continue reading

Are There Ways You Can Foster MORE Independence?

I would probably argue that the children of single parents have a tendency to be pretty high on the independence scale. Just the fact that there is only one adult to tend to things can force a child to learn how to either do some things on her own, or learn to help out a bit. But, even so, there may be times when we need our children to step up more—we need them to help out a little, or at least become more independent in managing their own “stuff.” What can we do as a single parent to try … Continue reading

When They Say They Don’t Care, It Often Means They DO

“I don’t care what you say!” or “I don’t care what happens”–how many times does a parent hear that in the course of raising a child? I have found, however, that when a child is touting how much he does NOT care about something, it generally is his way of covering up for the fact that he really does care. Now, this doesn’t mean that we try to force the issue as parents and tell our child, “Of course you care!” as he will just balk and refuse even more. But, it does give us insight into the fact that … Continue reading

Children Can Learn to Be Kind

Although I think there is a lot to be said for temperament and personality, there are still plenty of character traits that can be learned. I believe that kindness is one of those traits that a person is not necessarily born with, but can be taught and socialized. If we want our children to be kind and caring individuals, there are things we can do to help foster that… It might help to think about how kindness is NOT an innate expression in other living creatures. In fact, in the animal world, it is all about survival and kindness is … Continue reading

You’ve Really Got to CARE About Your Customers

There’s no getting around the fact that customers and clients (or readers, product users, etc.) are the very life-blood of our businesses. Without satisfied people who are purchasing our services or products, we don’t have an income and without an income, we don’t have a business. In order to keep our customers and clients happy and connected, we can’t just treat them like numbers and dollar signs. We really do have to care about our customers if we are going to create strong relationships and customer loyalty. I know that you’ve heard that you shouldn’t get too emotionally involved with … Continue reading

Domestic Violence: Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell?

Thankfully, I am not a victim of domestic violence, but a recent experience brought this topic to mind. I had oral surgery, which unfortunately left my face badly swollen and deeply bruised. When I went ventured out to the store in this condition, I saw a few people I know, some casually, some fairly well. I wasn’t really thinking about the condition of my face, until I noticed that some people were avoiding me, and purposely looking away. I don’t know about you, but if I saw an acquaintance who looked like he or she had just lost a prizefight, … Continue reading

How Many Children Should You Adopt?

I recently received a comment to one of my blogs from a family that was considering adopting a group of special needs children. That got me thinking about the process of determining how many children to adopt. This blog will hopefully shed some light to help. We originally adopted four maternal brothers. That number grew to five when we had an unexpected visit from the stork. We have now informed the state that our family is complete. First, I want to discuss the reasons to keep the number small. The most obvious reason is that damaged children will have more … Continue reading

Relationship Help

Relationship help can come in many forms. The trick to finding the help that will work for your relationship is discovering what works for the individuals involved. The truth is most problems are created by internal friction, but the friction may come from external sources such as work, school, children and life in general. If a person is experiencing stress in their work life, it often does not cease when they walk out the office door. Instead, like porters at the airport, we are reduced to transporting our baggage without a trolley. When the baggage begins to overwhelm one or … Continue reading

Rules of Romance

It’s hardly surprising in a world where uncertainty seems to be becoming the watch word whether worried about the military action in Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot spots or facing economic hardships at home – adding a little excitement and spice in our marriages is more important than ever. So it’s important to recognize what the rules of romance are so that you and your spouse can make the best of your marriage together. Rules of Romance The first rule of romance is an easy one – or at least it should be. The first rule of romance is to … Continue reading

Protect Your Friendships After Marriage

It’s a sad fact that marriage can alter friendships, but it’s important to recognize that your circle of friends are as important after you get married as they were before. When couples get married, the first few months, nigh on years can be time spent focusing intently on each other – to the exclusion of previous friendships. While most of us don’t do it deliberately, there is a line of exclusion that seems to divide us from our single and married friends. Subtle Changes The losses always begin subtly. You don’t call your friends as often. You beg off from … Continue reading