Removing Candle Wax from Carpet

It is inevitable, especially during the holiday season. Those pretty scented candles that make everything seem so cozy and festive can leave their mark. All it takes is someone enthusiastically blowing out a candle, and you wind up with wax on your carpets. Your first instinct might be to wipe at the stain, but that is not the best response. wiping the wax can smear it and send it further into the fibers of your carpet. Your second instinct, if you ignored the first, would be to let the wax harden into a lump or lumps and then pick at … Continue reading

Even More Carpet Stain Solutions

Almost anything under the sun can fall on your beloved carpets and there is a way to send almost anything off and on its merry way to someone else’s home and carpet. Stains are inevitable; their removal creative and sometimes even surprising. Read on, whether you have a good imagination or no. Oil or Grease Marks With these types of stains you must act quickly. Sprinkle about ¼ inch of corn meal over the area. Rub it in well; let it sit for about an hour, then vacuum. If the stain persists, rub some waterless hand cleaner (the kind mechanics … Continue reading

Challenging Carpet Stains

Just as some problems are easier to deal with than others (people too), so too is the hierarchy of carpet stains. Within the kingdom there are many challenges. Here are few. Read on and tackle them, if you dare. Chewing Gum Hold an ice cube against the chewing gum until it hardens or at least is ready to tell you what you want to know. Then, use your fingernail to scrape it off. If you can’t get it all, rub hard against the surface with a toothbrush dipped in rubbing alcohol. Coffee and Tea Blot as much of the spill … Continue reading

Removing Carpet Stains

When the inevitable happens and something spills onto your carpet, don’t panic. Help is on the way, but you do have to act quickly. In dealing with stains, he who hesitates is lost and you should also look before you leap. If this still isn’t clear, read on. Stain Removers Believe it or not, foamy shaving cream is one of the best homemade carpet stain removals you can use. Apply a blob to the stained area and rub in well with a sponge. Rinse with clean water, let dry overnight and then vacuum. When dealing with Turkish, Oriental and Persian … Continue reading

Other Carpet Cleaning Tips

Cleaning carpets is an art form, and like all artistic endeavors, it needs to be treated with care and respect. Here are some more guidelines to apply whenever you decide to clean yours. Read on, whether you prefer shag carpets or no. Avoid Wetness Try to never allow the carpet to get too wet for too long. The dampness allows entry to mildew and her nasty brothers, mold and bad odors. A wet/dry vacuum is a good investment and perfect for this purpose. If you don’t have one, you can remove a great deal of moisture by using a clean … Continue reading

Cleaning Carpets and Floors

Cleaning carpets is one of those things that everyone wants to sweep under the rug! (Please forgive pun. I couldn’t resist.) Seriously though, carpet cleaning is a major task and one that is complicated because it involves surrounding furniture, friends, pets, children and other relatives. Surely there must be an easy way, don’t you think? Read on, if you dare. Before The Shampoo Treatment Before using any carpet cleaning product, it’s a good idea to test an inconspicuous area for color fastness. This will avoid a lot of heartache later if there should be a problem with the product. Before … Continue reading