Carpet Cleaning Tips

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to keeping carpets clean. The first tip may be inconvenient for some families, but it will guarantee a longer life for your carpet; don’t eat in rooms with carpet. While adults can generally keep from being too messy, children aren’t always as careful. Besides, adults can have accidents too. However, if your family has become accustomed to eating in the family room on movie night or on other special occasions, there is no reason you have to eliminate the routine completely. You can cover the carpet. A flannel backed vinyl tablecloth works … Continue reading

Even More Carpet Stain Solutions

Almost anything under the sun can fall on your beloved carpets and there is a way to send almost anything off and on its merry way to someone else’s home and carpet. Stains are inevitable; their removal creative and sometimes even surprising. Read on, whether you have a good imagination or no. Oil or Grease Marks With these types of stains you must act quickly. Sprinkle about ¼ inch of corn meal over the area. Rub it in well; let it sit for about an hour, then vacuum. If the stain persists, rub some waterless hand cleaner (the kind mechanics … Continue reading

Removing Carpet Stains

When the inevitable happens and something spills onto your carpet, don’t panic. Help is on the way, but you do have to act quickly. In dealing with stains, he who hesitates is lost and you should also look before you leap. If this still isn’t clear, read on. Stain Removers Believe it or not, foamy shaving cream is one of the best homemade carpet stain removals you can use. Apply a blob to the stained area and rub in well with a sponge. Rinse with clean water, let dry overnight and then vacuum. When dealing with Turkish, Oriental and Persian … Continue reading

Other Carpet Cleaning Tips

Cleaning carpets is an art form, and like all artistic endeavors, it needs to be treated with care and respect. Here are some more guidelines to apply whenever you decide to clean yours. Read on, whether you prefer shag carpets or no. Avoid Wetness Try to never allow the carpet to get too wet for too long. The dampness allows entry to mildew and her nasty brothers, mold and bad odors. A wet/dry vacuum is a good investment and perfect for this purpose. If you don’t have one, you can remove a great deal of moisture by using a clean … Continue reading

Cleaning Carpets and Floors

Cleaning carpets is one of those things that everyone wants to sweep under the rug! (Please forgive pun. I couldn’t resist.) Seriously though, carpet cleaning is a major task and one that is complicated because it involves surrounding furniture, friends, pets, children and other relatives. Surely there must be an easy way, don’t you think? Read on, if you dare. Before The Shampoo Treatment Before using any carpet cleaning product, it’s a good idea to test an inconspicuous area for color fastness. This will avoid a lot of heartache later if there should be a problem with the product. Before … Continue reading

Cleaning Rugs and Carpets

Recently, I agreed to watch my friend’s three children for a few days while she and her husband flew to a convention in Las Vegas. Since she lives in a different city and two of her children are enrolled in school we figured it would be best if I stayed at their home. The days flew by and I thought that we had made it through the week just fine, until I felt my sock sticking to the kitchen floor. I turned, looked down and was able to follow my tracks back to the scene of the crime: grape jelly … Continue reading

Protecting Home Furnishings

With a family to care for, you cannot afford to replace home furnishings more often than is truly necessary. Keeping things in good condition for as long as possible can become quite a chore, but it doesn’t have to be. These simple tips will help you protect your home furnishings and get longer life out of your possessions. Mattresses One of the best ways to protect a mattress is to use a properly fitted mattress pad. Not only will it protect your mattress from soil, but it will also help protect it from rips and tears. The pad should be … Continue reading