How to Navigate Common Issues With Home Based Work

When you make the move from working outside of the home to working from home, you may encounter a few bumps in the road along the way. That is not a bad thing, just something to be expected with such a major transition. Here are a few things that you may run into, as well as tips for dealing with them effectively. You probably knew this already, but working from home does not mean that you can just do whatever you want whenever you want. The most successful home – based professionals set regular work hours and stick to them. … Continue reading

A Very Toddler Holiday

The holidays are supposed to be a happy time, but parents of toddlers know that even with all of the smiles, there are likely to be a few tears, tantrums, and other trouble spots. That is okay. At times like these, it is important to remember that the things that your toddler is likely to remember the most are the good times and not the bad. I wish that I was able to offer some magic formula for holiday success. You know, the kind of thing where if you do a certain thing, the kids will enjoy every moment of … Continue reading

The Challenges of Being a Single Mother

Being a mother is something that I love. However, it isn’t something I always knew would happen. I spent my teenage years swearing I would never have kids. It wasn’t until I was in my late twenties that I even considered motherhood. Since I never really imagined being a mother, I certainly didn’t imagine being a single mother. There are a lot of challenges that motherhood presents. Add in being single and not having the support of the father to the mix and it becomes more difficult. There is no doubt that motherhood is very rewarding. Being a single mother … Continue reading

Single Parenting is Hard

Let’s face it. No matter how hard we try, or what we say or do – single parenting is difficult. The world changes around us each day. New things come onto our plates, and we try to acclimate and adjust, yet still the act of parenting a child or children is difficult when there is only one of us around. You are trying to be two parents at once, even when the other parent is still involved. And even when the other parent is still involved, situations arise that become difficult to face, accept and move on from. So what … Continue reading

Life Lessons from Isaiah 2

Yesterday we looked at life lessons from Isaiah 1. What can we learn and apply to our lives from Isaiah 2? Isaiah 2:1-5 Isaiah saw that in the last days Jerusalem would flourish and become the spiritual center of God’s kingdom from which believers would learn more of God. This is obviously talking of the time when God’s Kingdom has come for it is a time of peace and no more war, and a time when the Lord Reigns as judge. It is a challenge to each of us to think about today. How eagerly to you approach God’s Word … Continue reading

Challenges And Habits

In my last blogs we looked at the idea of being challenged to take on a new area of service or ministry or challenged to continue on after failure. But there is another way we could look at challenges. So often we pray the Lord’s Prayer saying, ‘Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,’ Matthew 6:10. How is God’s will done in heaven? Perfectly – always. Do you and I always do God’s will perfectly on earth? No we don’t. I’m sure each of us have areas in our lives we know are not pleasing to … Continue reading

Challenges Are Good For Us

Challenges in the Christian life can be good for us. Why? Because we know if the challenge is not something we would normally feel comfortable taking on and doing, then the only way to get accomplish it victoriously is to rely on God. The harder the challenge, the more we need to depend on God and that is always a good thing. Too often when faced with a challenge we can allow difficulties or problems to distract us and cause us to give up. One of the things we can allow to affect us is past failures. Recently I went … Continue reading

Are You Up For A Challenge?

In a recent newsletter I subscribe to it asked ‘When was the last time you challenged yourself as a writer? What challenge did you make?’ Let me turn that around and ask when was the last time you challenged yourself as a Christian? Challenged yourself to take on a job or ministry that takes you out of your comfort zone? I love writing. Writing bible study questions and notes was no exception. Leading a discussion group was also something I felt comfortable doing. But when asked to become the teaching leader, standing up each week to give a 40 minute … Continue reading

You Never Know What Can Happen

For all the encouragement I give all of you home business owners to budget, schedule and plan, I think it is also important that I share that the reality is, we never know what will happen in our home businesses. We can prepare, we can plot, and we can do everything in our power to steer and guide our businesses operations, but in the end we all have no idea what is really and truly going to happen. I am often amazed at how much unpredictability there really is in my little home business. I really do have a simple … Continue reading

The Challenges of Staying Neutral–Part Two

Earlier today, I wrote about how a single parent can initially face the challenges of trying to stay neutral in regards to your child’s other parent. Tips like talking to the other parent directly about concerns, and taking time to settle down and process before confrontation have been helpful to me. In part two of this series on the challenges of staying neutral, I wanted to talk about ways we can work with our children and prepare them for handling issues instead of feeling like they always need to bring them to us. This situation has been very real for … Continue reading