The Top Reason Why Men Cheat

What is the number one reason that men cheat on their wives? Do you think you know the answer. Well, you might actually be surprised by the real answer. When asked this question: why do men cheat, most people will answer that it is because of sexual dissatisfaction. But according to research, this isn’t the real answer at all. M. Gary Neuman, the author of the book, The Truth About Cheating and a marriage and family therapist, says that his research has shown that the number one reason that men cheat is because they feel that their wives don’t appreciate … Continue reading

Is There a Seven-Year Itch?

There has been a lot of debate by experts and non experts alike over whether or not there is such as thing as the seven-year itch, in which married people are likely to pursue an extra-marital affair and infidelity. Numerous studies have been done about this phenomena. Here is what people are saying. Being stuck in a rut can lead to the seven year itch. A study in India checked with couples at different years of their marriages. They found the biggest decline in marital satisfaction from couples who expressed concern about being stuck in a rut several years earlier. … Continue reading

One Sign Your Husband May Be Cheating

Some wives seem to know right from the start that their husbands are cheating, while others say that they never suspected a thing. Here is one sign that generally means that you husband may be cheating. While some people are naturally more suspicious than others by nature, husbands who cheat generally start accusing their wives of cheating. If your husband suddenly starts accusing you of cheating, wants to know where you are every moment of the day, makes accusations about your loyalty and fidelity or is generally overcome with jealousy that is unwarranted, it may be because he is himself … Continue reading

What is an Affair?

We all know the definition of an affair, don’t we? But wait! Go ahead and try to define it and it may not be so black and white. Behavior that might be seen as an affair by one couple or even one individual may not been seen as an affair by your own definition or vice versa. For example, is an affair when a spouse engages in sexual intercourse with another person outside of the marriage? Sure, okay, but what about if there is no intercourse, but there is kissing? Does a quick peck on the lips count? How about … Continue reading

Are We Apathetic About Student Ethics?

A lot of our focus on ethics in education has to do with the environment for our students, what they are being taught, how they are being taught and who is teaching it to them. But how often do we focus on the ethics of the students themselves, before they even enter the classroom? A new survey given to high school students says that 64 percent of high school students have cheated on a test. A whopping 30 percent have stolen from a store within the past year. The survey was conducted by Josephson Institute, a Los Angeles-based ethics institute. … Continue reading

Do You Want to Know What God Hates?

Do you want to know what God hates? The bible tells us. Here are some things mentioned. God hates: Unjust scales Proverbs 11: 1, 20:23. God doesn’t want to see people cheated. That’s good for us to remember at tax time and in our dealings with others. I think it also applies not just financially but to cheating others in what we give to a relationship. Boasting and those who do iniquity, lies and deceit, violence and bloodshed, Psalm 5:5-6. Divorce, Malachi 2:16. Notice, God does not say he hates the divorced person but divorce. Life long marriage of one … Continue reading

How to Keep Your Pet from Cheating on You

In keeping with the theme of the last couple of days, I couldn’t very well talk about unfaithful pets and cats adopting other people without examining ways to keep your pet from straying. Over in Marriage, infidelity is a hot topic. I’m of the camp that believes one of the factors that causes a husband to stray is because he’s not getting enough attention at home. I figured based on other people interviewed in the article “Getting dogged: When your pet cheats on you” by Kim Campbell Thornton that it would stand to reason that’s why pets cheat too. … Continue reading

Unfaithful Pets

Once upon a blog, Aimee wrote about pets who prefer people other than their owners. I got to thinking about this yesterday when I was writing about my friends who have been adopted by cats lately. In both instances, the cats technically belong to other people. But they’ve adopted new ones, which technically makes them unfaithful pets. Or does it? Cuddles Cuddles is a little calico that really belongs to the people who moved in to the house next to Cindy and Michael, our across-the-street neighbors. But Cuddles has decided she likes to camp out at Cindy and Michael’s. She … Continue reading

Is It Possible to Affair-Proof a Marriage?

On Oprah’s “Why Men Cheat Part 2” show, M. Gary Neuman offered three ways to affair-proof a marriage: 1. Appreciate your spouse more. In fact, make sure to appreciate your spouse as much as you possibly can. 2. Have sex. Make time for sex. Enjoy sex. (He suggested women are bad about receiving pleasure. Men are better at that. By nature they’re takers and we’re givers. We’re not comfortable receiving. Be it sexual pleasure or tokens of affection. Mr. Neuman said instead of saying “You shouldn’t have” when your husband gives you something, you should say, “Yes you should have … Continue reading