Seeing God As Our Father

For those who didn’t have a dad growing up, or didn’t have a healthy one, it can be difficult to imagine God’s perfect love for us as our father. A good father provides, comforts, protects, disciplines, and loves us beyond what we can imagine. There are so many examples in the Bible about God’s goodness to us as a father. I would like to share with you a few of these scriptures. Father to the fatherless: How wonderful that He can fill that father role in the lives of those who don’t have a one! Psalm 68:5, “A father of … Continue reading

Dreams During Pregnancy

Many women experience more frequent dreaming or very vivid dreams during pregnancy. There are a few reasons for this. One is the increase in the levels of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy. Changing hormone levels are responsible for many changes during pregnancy and affect dreams as well. Another reason is that frequent waking during the night to use the bathroom or as a result of other discomforts make it easier to remember your dreams. We all dream every night. However, most of our dreams are forgotten by morning. This is because we often don’t wake during a REM cycle of … Continue reading

Communicating With God

Does God still talk with us? When we cry out to Him how can we be certain He hears us? It’s my belief that God is living and wants to have a relationship with His children. Not only do I believe God hears us, but I believe we too can hear God if we listen. The key here is “listening”. It is so easy to get wrapped up our daily concerns and put off spending time with God. But, as with any relationship, if you don’t keep communication open, you can lose closeness with the other person. The time when … Continue reading

Why I’m Here

Hello. My name is Melissa and I am a Christian…. I could have come and introduced myself as a mother or a wife, but those things are really secondary to my faith. Who I am in my faith defines me as a wife and mother. I strive to place God first in my life, though I, like everyone else, fall short. My hope as a blogger at is to offer insight, practical teaching, and encouragement in Christ so that I may reach out to others while growing in my own faith. I come here in complete humility praying that … Continue reading

Book Review: Spiritual Growth of Children

Many times when trying to help our children grow we think primarily of meeting their physical, emotional and intellectual needs. In many cases we forget that we are also spiritual beings that need nourishment for spiritual growth. In order to focus on my children’s spiritual needs, several years ago I purchased a book from Focus on the Family titled the “Parent’s Guide To The Spiritual Growth of Children-Helping Your Child Develop a Personal Faith”. This book is a wonderful resource that I often go back to for practical ideas. The authors state that the book is “Designed to help parents … Continue reading

Power of a Woman

I have been thinking recently about the tremendous influence wives have in their husbands lives. Ladies, a wife can make a man’s life wonderful, or she can make it miserable. Have you read the story of Job? This poor guy was going through hell on earth. All of his children were killed, his riches were gone and he broke out in painful boils. All he had left was his wife. You might be thinking, “ Lucky he still had her.” I’m not so sure. She may have been part of the misery. She told her husband to, “Curse God and … Continue reading

Character Education Begins at Home

This is a day and age I often refer to as the “pass the buck” age. Parents, more and more often, are expecting more and more out of everyone else but themselves. Daycare providers are being asked to do more than keep little Billy and Emma safe while Mom and Dad are at work. Now they are expected to potty train, teach foreign languages and begin teaching the Three R’s as to prepare the kids for Kindergarten. By the time children reach Kindergarten, more and more parents are less and less available making full-day Kindergarten the norm. And so it … Continue reading