Friends and Mental Health (2)

Last blog we looked at the importance of having positive people in our lives and the detrimental effect that negativity from others can have on our mental health. We also looked at how sometimes it can be difficult to tell the difference between a person who is good for our spirit and one who is subtly undermining us. We also saw the long-term problem that Katie was having with her friend Bree: a relationship that left Katie feeling both happy and strangely empty. Let’s look at another example of a relation that seems good but isn’t really working. Jo and … Continue reading

Are you an Enabler?

Do you have a friend who is hopeless at budgeting and you’re constantly lending her ten dollars here and twenty dollars there? Do you have a spouse with an alcohol problem and you phone his or her boss to call in sick instead of making them do it themselves? Do you constantly take on extra duties each time your older teen has an assignment due instead of allowing them to feel out of control themselves? If the answer is a resounding “Yes” then you could be an enabler. So what is an enabler? An enabler is a person who recognizes … Continue reading