Meal Co-Ops (2)

Welcome to part 2 of meal co-ops. In the first part, I explained what a meal co-op is and how it can save you on money and time. If you missed that first article, you can just click here: Meal Co-Ops (1). We left off explaining how each member of the co-op picks a different day to share meals. Now, let’s continue. For example, let’s say that you pick Tuesday and have three members of your co-op. On Monday night, you bulk cook baked ziti. You put together a salad and bread to go with the meal. You package the … Continue reading

Form a Co-op and Save

Co-ops are one of the latest ways to save money and be part of a community. There are official and unofficial co-ops that are formed for many different reasons. You can join an existing co-op or form one of your own. It can be a large co-op or a small group of friends. The size and type will all depend on your needs. What is a co-op? A co-op is a group of people that come together to share a resource. Often, they can purchase items more cheaply when in a group, they can share resources that they already have, … Continue reading

Save Money By Starting a Meal Making Co-Op

Organizing a meal making co-op will save you loads of money every month. There are several different “types” of co-ops that can be organized, however I have already share one earlier. I will now explain how to create a meal making co-op with neighbors, friends or family. Meal Co-Op A meal co-op has several ways it can work. The best way I have found is for each family to create a list of their families favorite meals. Provide this list to each member of the co-op. A vote is taken on each meal, from each list as to whether all … Continue reading

Save Money By Starting A Bulk Warehouse Food Co-Op

Organizing a food co-op will save you loads of money every month. There are several different “types” of co-ops that can be organized, however I am going to spend time explaining the most popular two. I will explain each one, and show you how to create a food co-op with neighbors, friends or family. Bulk Warehouse Co-op This works best if everyone shops at the same bulk warehouse, so the products remain the same each time. However, if it works better for one family, to perhaps obtain a membership at one bulk warehouse, and the other family to obtain a … Continue reading