Still More Amazing Ways To Use Coffee Cans

There are so many uses for coffee cans around the house, that I am still writing articles about it! Coffee cans are extremely versatile, since they come in so many shapes, sizes and colors. Continuing on with my series of articles on coffee cans and what they are used for, I still have several more ideas for you. Grocery Bag Catcher Do you have a nice stash of those plastic grocery bags that every store now puts your purchases in? If so, place them inside the coffee can for a convenient and easy to access storage idea. You can also … Continue reading

Dozens of Uses for Coffee Cans (3)

Still finding new ways to use up coffee cans, I continue from the previous two articles, Dozens of Uses for Coffee Cans (1) , and Dozens of Uses for Coffee Cans (2). There are so many different ways to reuse coffee cans, that I thought I’d share even more. Frugal Bird Feeder A fun project to do with kids. You can create a bird feeder with a coffee can. Poke holes all around the coffee can. Glue a large plate or saucer to the bottom of the coffee can. We use plastic recyclable plates. Fill Punch a hole in either … Continue reading

Dozens of Uses for Coffee Cans (2)

In the previous article, Dozens of Uses for Coffee Cans (1) , I explained that we were having a garage sale, and that while cleaning out our basement I came across a plethora of household items that are reusable. One of those items is the dozens of coffee cans I guess I thought I needed to keep. After donating a huge supply of them to a local preschool I began brainstorming other ways to use them. Here are some awesome ideas: Baking You can place bread batter in a tin coffee can (note: plastic will NOT work and will melt … Continue reading

Dozens of Uses for Coffee Cans (1)

As we are anxiously preparing for a fall garage sale in a week, we are literally finding dozens of items that we completely forgot we had. Apparently we are more a group of pack rats than I thought. Amongst useless furniture, baby items and lots of outgrown toys, we also came across a few “treasures” that we had forgotten we had. Many disposable items that we decided to keep to use for other things such as butter tubs, milk cartons, cans, lost socks, egg cartons and torn clothing. Sure, some is making it’s way right into the trash can as … Continue reading

Five Great Uses for Coffee Cans

Coffee cans come in many different sizes, are enormous in their largest size and can hold a lot of different stuff. They can be used in many ways. It’s the traditional trash to treasure concept when you are staring at a coffee can. What can I make out of one? Here are some great ways to recycle and reuse your coffee cans: Bank Coffee cans make really cool banks. Just cut a slit in the lid and start saving. Once the can is full, you can roll the change and use it to treat yourself to something nice. And if … Continue reading