Are You Getting Mixed Signals from your Baby?

My baby smiles, my baby won’t stop crying, my baby throws everything on the floor. What does it all mean? The truth is, our babies are not born speaking our languages and we’re not completely conversant with theirs. We know what we think they are communicating and sometimes, we are quite correct. Every interaction with our baby, whether it is primal or coming from a higher language function – we are communicating and they are communicating with us. My Baby Smiles Sometime between 6 and 12 weeks your infant will begin to develop social smiles and will respond to the … Continue reading

My Toddler Ignores Me

There is nothing more frustrating for a parent than to say something they know their baby understands, but that their baby just seems to blithely ignore. From the: don’t touch that to the bring that to mommy to the play nicely to the stop doing that – when your toddler isn’t listening to you, you may wonder what you are doing wrong. Before you start banging your head against a brick wall in frustration, keep the following in mind: Actions speak louder than words to your toddler, if you want them to stop doing something, remove them from the activity … Continue reading