Sunday Travel Funnies: “TAXI!”

If you are superstitious and planning a trip to San Francisco in the near future, you’re probably better off leaving your fear of the number 666 at home… especially if need to rely on taxi cabs to get around. The head of the city’s taxi commission says he will not be getting rid of taxi medallion No. 666, regardless of the fact that some riders refuse to patronize a cab bearing the number of Satan. A cab driver who had “666” assigned to him last year recently asked the agency to retire the number because it had brought him nothing … Continue reading

Your Morning Commute Just Got a Little Easier

I was reading an article about new traffic sensors being put up in major cities across America (most notably, Washington DC and San Francisco.) These sensors operate by taking a reading of the traffic level every thirty seconds. They are solar-operated, so these devices are not a strain on our already overworked power supply. The company then takes the information beamed to them by the traffic sensors and sells it to the air traffic companies–you know, the ones that you hear on the afternoon radio, “Hello, this is Mike from Air Traffic, and I am looking now at the highway … Continue reading

Subway Stories

My cousin celebrated his 25th birthday in New York City last night. (He lives on Long Island so the excitement surrounding the event wasn’t derived from the location.) As you can imagine it was a late night and he ended up riding the subway to a friend’s home in Queens. When I spoke to him earlier today he was desperately trying to find his iPod. From what he can remember, it was still in his jacket pocket when he boarded the subway last night. But, this morning it was gone. Losing your iPod on a New York City subway… please! … Continue reading