Lessons from the Compost Heap

A compost heap is so much more than just a bunch of garbage. If you are homeschooling, your pile of waste products can easily be transformed into a cherished curriculum container. Composting teaches kids about nature’s life cycle.  The simple and affordable project gives children an up close look at how decay gives rise to new life.  What’s more, that mound of trash is also a hotbed for hands-on science lessons. For starters you can school your students on the make-up of soil.  Dirt is composed of air, water, minerals (including sand, silt and clay) and organic matter.  The last … Continue reading

Choosing a Compost Bin

We’ve been through the mill, my composter and I. I’ve gone through so many different sorts of composting devices in my garden that it makes my head spin and my nose wrinkle. Soon we’ll be back to the beginning, with a new full-size composter in our yard. If you’re starting the composting journey or looking to switch, what sorts of bins are available? The large outdoor bin is the easiest way to compost. If you have a small space it is not the most convenient, though. These bins require green and brown ingredients and some aeration so that they don’t … Continue reading

Turning Fall Leaves into Compost

  Compost really makes sense. If you have some fall leaves just laying around (ha, ha), why not put them to work? Don’t trash or burn those leaves when you can use them to enrich your garden. You may have been following my continued ramblings about the fall leaves. First I talked about my love/hate relationship, and then I went into some of the useful things for which leaves can be used. Now, let us look at one of the most useful things of all for leaves: compost! You can have a natural bit of compost if you have leaves … Continue reading

A Guide to Inexpensive Composting 3

Have you ever thought about composting? It is a frugal way to nourish your garden and produce less trash. I have been talking about creating an inexpensive compost bin. If you missed the first two parts of this series, you can read them now here A Guide to Inexpensive Composting and here A Guide to Inexpensive Composting 2. Once a week or so, mix your compost. You can do this by rolling the can around a bit or using a shovel or pitchfork to mix it all up. I know, we are supposed to add things in layers, right? But … Continue reading

A Guide to Inexpensive Composting 2

Composting can be very frugal for at least two reasons. The first is that it provides you with a free, nutrient plant-food for your garden. The second reason is that it reduces the amount of garbage you produce. If you pay for your garbage by the bag or pound, there is an immediate savings there. And you’ll also save on garbage bags, as well. In the first part of this series on inexpensive composting, I talked about getting started with building your own easy compost bin. Now, here is part 2. Place the compost bin (your garbage can) in a … Continue reading

A Guide to Inexpensive Composting

Yesterday, we had a really nice play date with two fellow moms and their kids. At snack time, the kids were eating some tangerines, and as one of the moms peeled the orange skin, she asked if we composted. We don’t. Composting is something that I have been thinking about doing ever since we moved here about a year ago, but to tell the truth, I was a little intimidated by it. I didn’t really know where to start with composting, and I wasn’t sure that I wanted rotting garbage in our around my home. But, it is time that … Continue reading

Should I Burn Leaves?

Before you decide to burn leaves, please take some things into consideration. First, it may very well be illegal in your area or you may be under a temporary burn ban if it’s been unusually dry. Also, please consider how easily such fires can get out of hand. For those that do burn, please keep a hose nearby and call your fire department in advance to let them know you intend to burn. Burning leaves (or other trash) also causes pollution. Certainly, this doesn’t come as a surprise. However, some people may not realize the health issues burning leaves and … Continue reading

Yard and Garden: Composting

As we recycle plastics, glass, paper, and whatever else, we can also begin recycling organic materials as well. By composting, we can give nutrients back to the earth and enhance our soil. If you plan to plant a vegetable garden, grow flowers, or plant a tree, composting with help soil become richer and more hospitable to each type of planting. Composting is not difficult to do, it’s good for the environment, and it saves you money by helping you avoid paying for top soil and fertilizer. Many people avoid it because it can be a dirty job, but it doesn’t … Continue reading