I’m a fairly sympathetic and compassionate person. If my involvement in the theatre has taught me one thing it has been identification with other people’s lives, experiences, circumstances, and pains. I have the great gift of empathy. As such, I’m acutely aware of and susceptible to other people’s pain. Since it is cold season my family has been trying to take extra precautions to stay healthy… but congestion can get to you anyway. Earlier this week my son was extremely congested. He was having trouble breathing through his nose. He would snort, and sneeze (a good thing!) and have to … Continue reading

What Causes Snoring?

In a strange turn of events last night, I heard myself snoring. I was having a weird dream (sort of a monster movie kind of scenario) and one of the people in my dream kept telling me that I was snoring. “No,” I insisted. “I don’t snore.” But I could HEAR myself snoring while I was dreaming (and denying it). Very weird. I tend to talk in my sleep — I’ve done it since I was a little kid — but don’t often snore. So it made me wonder about the cause. A few different things can cause snoring, like: … Continue reading

Score Another Victory For The Great Sinus Experiment

A few days ago, I woke up with a sore throat. It must be allergies, I told myself. Post nasal drip, because I have a certain brown dog who hogs all the pillows and I end up sleeping flat on my back. But the sore throat stuck around. Yesterday it was joined by a stuffy nose. And a headache. My nose and sinuses got more and more congested as the day went on, and I finally had to conclude that it wasn’t allergies. It was the beginnings of a sinus infection. I pulled out the Echinacea and goldenseal and took … Continue reading

The Sinus Experiment: Day One

Over the last few days, I’ve been feeling the rumbles of an impending sinus infection. I’ve got the headache, with pain in the forehead and in the cheeks (below my eyes). I’ve started the nasal congestion, though so far my mucus has been clear. And I’ve got a general feeling of blah… my body is kind of achy, I have less energy than usual, and my appetite is funny. My usual method is to just live with the discomfort until it either goes away or gets bad enough that I go to the doctor. But not this time, sinus infection! … Continue reading