Leadership Vs. Control Freak

A strong leader is not the same as someone who wants to control every aspect of a project of event. Sometimes, I think we have a tendency to assume that the person who talks the loudest, is the bossiest and who takes over every aspect of a project or event is the “leader” when in fact, that person may be overly controlling. Good leaders let others shine, and they know how to share the glory and delegate both the “good” tasks and the “bad” ones. A person who wants to control every aspect and micro-managed what he or she does … Continue reading

Single Parents—Watch Out for Using Manipulation

There are so many tools and tricks that a parent can use that work well and do not harm our children or our relationships with them. Unfortunately, sometimes we all get tired, haggard, or look for short-cuts in order to motivate or get our children to do what we want them to. There is a big difference between motivating and inspiring our child, and using manipulation techniques to get what we want. Manipulation is when we try to trick, cajole, force or threaten our child into doing something. Manipulation feels yucky and it feels very different from things like reward … Continue reading

We Cannot Control What Others Do

I know that I often write here in the Home Business blog about how we can strive to improve our relationships with our clients and customers, and we also talk about ways to improve sales and communication skills. I also think it is important, however, to point out that while we can do our best to work with other people, we really cannot control what anybody else does. We really can just do our best and focus on what we can do and how we can improve our own skills, but we are not going to be able to force … Continue reading

When a Child Has Control Issues

I have written before about how we parents can let our control issues influence and affect our parenting, but it is not always the parents who have control issues or who wrestle with being overly controlling. Sometimes, it is our child or children who may be trying to get everything to go their way. Are there things we can do as parents to help a child with control issues learn to let go? The first thing to ask ourselves is what is really going on with a child who needs and wants to control so much around him? While it … Continue reading