Coupon Dictionary (Part 2)

Insert Coupons ~ Insert coupons are manufacturer coupons found in the Sunday paper. They are usually one of the three main booklets of coupons, Smart Source, Valassis and Proctor & Gamble. Internet Printed Coupon (IP) ~ A manufacturer coupon in which you can print from your computer. Newbie ~ Someone who is new to the world of coupons and trying to learn the ropes. Non Insert Coupons ~ Non Insert Coupons are any coupon not found in the Sunday paper. Example: Peelies, Blinkies and Tearpads. Peelies ~ Peelies are coupons which are attached to a specific product. You can peel … Continue reading

Coupon Dictionary (Part 1)

Are you wondering what everyone is talking about? What are all those strange words everyone is referring to? I thought that if we were going to talk coupons, then it would be really helpful if I made a Coupon Dictionary. This will help you decipher the Coupon Language. I have also included any abbreviations to the words, in parenthesis. Binder ~ A notebook where coupons are organized. Blinkies ~ Blinkie machines are little red boxes that spit out coupons. You can find them attached to the store shelves, with a blinking light, hence the name Blinkie. They are put out … Continue reading