
Are you always striving toward perfection? Wondering why it never seems you can get there with your money? The problem in dealing with absolutes is that rarely does the world work that way. You can get an A-plus in school, but not in life. For those who stress about things like attaining the perfect credit score to finding the best performing mutual fund, you simply cannot win. Instead of worrying about being the best, accept that in the financial world doing very well is enough. Only a very small percent of people have a credit score in the high 700s…so … Continue reading

Ensure your Credit Security Through Credit Cards

I realize many people out there shun credit cards entirely. While I can see their point, they are actually bucking a system ingrained in society. By doing this, they are inadvertently hurting themselves. Yes, credit cards can be black holes into debt and financial ruin, except, they are not a loaded gun. You have to use them incorrectly to get yourself in trouble. There is no accidental debt. The problem with not having credit cards is our society has become so reliant on them. Therefore, so have the credit bureaus for their credit reports and scores. By avoiding credit cards … Continue reading

Repair Credit

If you have a poor credit score, it is time to get in gear. There are many ways to improve your report, but they all take time to heal the injuries. Therefore, it is important to start now, and then you can reap the benefits of good credit sooner than later. The first step should be to get your most recent credit report from all three reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. You are entitled to one free report each year, so this is well worth your time. The best place to visit is; they will easily process your … Continue reading

Money Week in Review October 21 – 27

In Money Discussions, Debbie mentions the importance of having both regular weekly conversations and a more serious semi-annual meeting about money. These quick discussions help keep you on task, but the formal meetings ensure you are taking time to adequately plan for long term goals. Debbie reminds us all how much fun and educational the game of Monopoly is for a family. For kids four and older, the game can be an entertaining way to teach some valuable financial lessons that go beyond just saving and spending. Remember it is important to not only teach our kids how to manage … Continue reading