Could Your Clutter Be Putting You at Risk?

Don’t let your clutter control your life or your finances. Taking some time to de-clutter your home can not only be more freeing, but it could possible reduce your risk of going into debt. Here is why. Clutter Can Be Overwhelming When clutter gets out of control, you can quickly become overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed means that you will have less focus and energy to live your life. Studies have shown that too much clutter may even contribute to depression. With less focus and energy for work and life, plus possible “retail therapy” to lift the spirits, debt could quickly get … Continue reading

10 Tips When You’re Moving House

You know you’re moving, you’ve decided to put your house up for sale and followed some of the suggested guidelines on the previous blog, now what? Here are more guidelines to make it easier. 1. Decide whether you are going to use a real estate agent or try and sell privately. I admit we’ve only ever sold using an agent. Friends have sold privately and to me it sounded like a lot of hassle. I also see houses put up for sale privately that often then have to be out in an agent’s hands. 2. Make sure you factor all … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolution: A Clean and Clutter-Free Home

The end of the year is a perfect time to redo all of those problem areas of your home to transform it to a clean and clutter-free environment that you can enjoy for the upcoming year. If you start now and do a little bit at a time, you’ll soon be on your way to having a home you love to spend time in. It is all a matter of trashing and stashing; that is, getting rid of the thing you don’t need or want and finding places for all of the things that you do. We’ll take it one … Continue reading

Tips to Help You De-Clutter Your Wardrobe (3)

How are you doing with de-cluttering your wardrobe? Here are the remaining questions that you can ask yourself about all of those clothes that are taking over your life. We are in the home stretch now and well on our way to organized closets. Is the item in good condition? Fading, tears and worn spots are a signal that it should go in the rag bag, not on your body. Will you alter this piece to make it wearable? Pants that have been too long since you bought them five years ago, meaning to hem them, still can’t be worn. … Continue reading

Tips to Help You De-Clutter Your Wardrobe (2)

Congratulations! You have decided to de-clutter your wardrobe of clothing. No more overstuffed closets, stuffed drawers or clothes hanging out everywhere. There are a few different ways that you can de-clutter your wardrobe. I’ve already discussed two of them in the first part of this series. Now, in the second part of this series, I’ll share with you some of the 12 questions that you can ask yourself about each item of clothing to see if it is worthy of staying in your life. This method is wonderful to use when you want to de-clutter your wardrobe all at once … Continue reading

Tips to Help You De-Clutter Your Wardrobe (1)

Are overstuffed closets a big problem in your home? If your clothes are constantly falling off of the hangers or migrating to other closets and other rooms, then you definitely have the tell tale signs of a wardrobe that needs some de-cluttering. The same is true if you constantly find yourself with nothing to wear despite a packed closet. It is time to organize and create a wardrobe that is attractive, functional and easy to use. Here are some tips and ideas that will help you tackle the chaos. If you live in a seasonal climate, the first thing you … Continue reading

Organizing Your Personal Library: De-cluttering Books (2)

Ready to de-clutter those books and have a great new library? If you aren’t sure where to begin when you are de-cluttering books, don’t worry. You can come along with me. I’ll de-clutter my books, too. We will take an overwhelming task and break it down into easy steps. One of the biggest obstacles with de-cluttering books is knowing what you should get rid of and what you should keep. Here are some practical guidelines to help you decide. Do you know the guideline for general de-cluttering of stuff? It says that if you haven’t used it in a year, … Continue reading

Organizing Your Personal Library: De-cluttering Books (1)

Want some easy and mostly painless ways de-clutter your books? Here are some tips that will make the job easy. De-cluttering books can be tough. I love my books, so letting any of them go can really hurt. But the reality is that if there are books scattered throughout the home, on surfaces and floors where they can get damaged, or overstuffed into shelves where they are so bent that they look like they are doing the wave, well that isn’t really love, is it? Think of your books as your collection, your own personal library. Only allow in books … Continue reading

5 Reasons Donating Your Old Stuff Saves Money

You wouldn’t normally think that giving away your stuff as saving money, would you? Well there are plenty of reasons that donating your un-needed items can actually save you money! I am a big believer in donating stuff. When my husband and I married, we basically had two households to combine into one. Later, after my mother passed, we had another household full of stuff. And just recently, we moved to another home, and I started donating like crazy, since moving extra stuff can get costly. So, I have a lot of experience with dealing with extra items and donating … Continue reading

Supplement Your Home-Based Income by “Swapping Up”

At the beginning of the new year the pastor at my church gave a sermon on simplicity. “Do you really need fifteen pairs of shoes?” He asked the congregation. While I’ve never been much of a shoe collector, I do like to horde craft notions and books. I had a room full of glues, paints, brushes, scissors and other odds and ends I never used. My husband and I decided to start our own “de-cluttering campaign” to kick off the new year. We tackled my craft room, his extensive coat collection and both of our closets that were overflowing with … Continue reading