Departmentalized Teaching

In my previous article, I discussed the teaching method that I encountered during my eighth grade years. I refer to this method as semi-departmentalized. In this article, I will discuss the method that I consider to be complete departmentalized. Most high school and middle school teachers teach using a departmentalized method. In a departmentalized grade, all subjects are taught by a different teacher during a different block of time. For example, one teacher will teach math while different teachers teach English, history, science, and reading. In some cases, reading, spelling, writing, and language arts are all combined into the same … Continue reading

Semi-Departmentalized Teaching

Through my eight years of teaching, I have encountered several different teaching situations. Classroom set-ups and teaching styles vary greatly from room to room and teacher to teacher. However, the class schedule and subjects taught also come with variety. My first four years of teaching, I taught in a semi-departmentalized setting. This is the name that I labeled it. I have never heard anyone use the term before but it seems to fit nicely. I say semi-departmentalized because there were only two teachers and we shared the subjects that were to be taught. To some extent we were departmentalized because … Continue reading