Should you Tell Them You’re Disappointed?

Disappointment in the realm of family life is inevitable—our children disappoint us and we disappoint them. While we want to have clear communication and model owning our feelings with our kids, it can be a little unclear whether or not we should share our disappointments with them or not… For me, the difficulty with sharing when I am disappointed in something my child has done is how to do it in a healthy way, without lying on a thick “guilt trip.” It can be hard! We need to express ourselves and we want our child to know how we feel … Continue reading

Moving On from Disappointment

If you have not suffered disappointment in your home business, then you have not been in business very long—it is inevitable that things will go awry or you will put a bunch of energy into something in your business that just does not work out. We cannot avoid disappointment, but we can decide how much we will let it affect us and we can learn how to take the experience for what it is and move on… I am not advocating that we try to ignore or overlook those disappointments that come our way in our home businesses—I really do … Continue reading

Making Productive Use of Disappointment

Things do not always go our way. Even the most optimistic and successful among us has to face disappointments in our home businesses occasionally. For others of us, the disappointments may seem to come more steadily. Instead of letting ourselves get crushed and discouraged, however, there are productive ways we can make the most of those disappointing times. There are a lot of things we can do with disappointment—we can use it to remind us that we really do care about what is going on in our businesses; we can also take the circumstances that led up to the disappointment … Continue reading

What Can We do With Disappointment?

I’ve written before about guilt and what an unproductive thing this can be for parents and families. But saying NOT to put guilt trips on our kids and use guilt as a motivator in our families is much easier to say than it is to do. In reality, sometimes we feel disappointed as parents. We might be disappointed in a choice our child has made, behaviors, or in the way things have turned out. What can we do with that disappointment to keep from dumping it all onto our child? I’ve had friends tell me that the most painful thing … Continue reading