Too Valuable To Waste

Yep, we‘ve all seen it in homes of other people, maybe in our own homes the man who sits back and lets his wife do all the dishes. Let me tell you it doesn’t happen in our house. Mick washes the dishes and I dry. Yes, we vaguely toyed with the idea of a dishwasher after we moved, but never went ahead with it. One reason was expense and not having a lot of room. We’d have to lose a kitchen cupboard to put one in. But the more important reason is because that time doing dishes is put to … Continue reading

Is There a Right Way to Load the Dishwasher?

It seems it’s been eons ago now that Jade sent me a link to an article with the subject line “housework issues.” It directed me to an article entitled “Don’t let the dishwasher ruin your marriage.” It was about a woman who’s given up loading the dishwasher because, as she put it, “No matter how I load it, my husband comes after me and reloads it.” I didn’t have a chance to write about it then. (It was around the time my mom moved in with us.) Also, housework is one of those subjects that seemed to be covered pretty … Continue reading