Animal Abuse Registry

Back when I was a teenager and hadn’t yet learned to stop watching pet cops shows for the sake of my stress levels, I remember learning an interesting, if obvious, fact. People who abuse (and this is direct physical abuse, not criminal neglect) their animals are much more likely to become violent against others, especially their family members. Now a county in New York State is taking that information to its next logical conclusion: Suffolk County, NY is launching a pet abuser registry. According to MSNBC, the purpose of the registry is to create a list of potential family abusers; … Continue reading

Dating Violence in Schools

Dating violence is becoming more and more common. Possessive boyfriends that become jealous, demanding, isolate young teen girls and then finally become violent with them are not usual even on school grounds. Sometimes dating violence has fatal consequences that can end a young life and leave her family in ruins. Just two states mandate teaching kids about dating violence in schools. Texas mandates awareness education on dating violence, although the specific education requirements are not specified. Other states say they encourage this education, although it is not required. But Rhode Island is progressive on the issue. It recently passed a … Continue reading

Marriage Resources: Where to Get Help

One of the problems married couples face together or individually when they are encountering issues in their marriage is where to go for help. The following are some resources you, your spouse or others might be able to make use of when you are encountering difficulties. Domestic Abuse Domestic abuse is a serious problem, if you or someone you love is suffering from domestic abuse, contact the following resources: National Hotline for Battered Women – 1-800-799-SAFE Wife Beating and Elder Abuse Help Center Clearinghouse on Family Violence – 1-703-385-7565 Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence – 1-206-634-1903 … Continue reading

Spousal Abuse: How and Why

Domestic violence is on the rise. This article will look at the causes and conditions surrounding spousal abuse and the dangers involved with the choices of leaving or staying in the relationship. Abuse is about control. And many women will choose to stay in the relationship because they are afraid of what would happen to them if they left. Beside the fear of being out on their own, most women believe that the abusive spouse doesn’t mean it, and if they love the abuser enough, they will be happy and stop hurting them. The fact is that abuse very seldom … Continue reading