Protecting Your Home’s Air – Part 2

Yesterday, I talked about how to detect carbon monoxide and radon in your home. I also touched on the point that you shouldn’t let anyone smoke in your home to keep the air quality at its best. After all, on average, we spend more time indoors than out. After you take care of the harmful gases, what else can you do to improve the air quality inside your home? Ventilating the home is very important. Open your windows whenever possible and if you have exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom, use them. Even if you have pollutants in the … Continue reading

Bed in a Plastic Bag

When I was little, I had a very hard time with allergies. I was five (and my brother was three) when we first started scratch tests to figure out what we were allergic to. Among the laundry list of allergens were dust mites. Dust mites are pervasive little critters. These microscopic mites live in upholstery, pillows, mattresses, bedding, curtains, and carpets. Back in the early 1980s when we were first diagnosed with allergies, the way to deal with dust mites was to either get rid of them or block them. Most of the carpet in the house had to go. … Continue reading

Dealing with Dust Mites

Dust mites are popular… as far as allergens go. These tiny critters are to blame for allergies in a lot of people (myself included). So how do you keep the dust mites out of your upholstery and bedding? Here are some tips. Wash your pillows quarterly. Mark your calendar if you have to, but make sure you send your pillows through the washer four times per year. Wash your curtains quarterly, too. Wash your sheets and blankets at your washing machine’s highest setting. A study from South Korea found that temperatures of 140 degrees Fahrenheit killed one hundred percent of … Continue reading

Not Making Your Bed May Be Healthier

If your mom is anything like mine, or millions of other moms, she probably always told you to make your bed. You probably tell your kids the same thing. Making the bed tends to make the entire bedroom look and feel neater, since it is generally the largest piece in the room, if not the focal point. It makes sense, because the neater our homes are the cleaner they feel. However, an interesting study in London has determined that leaving beds unmade may actually be the healthier alternative. Because dust mites thrive in warm, damp conditions, leaving the bed unmade … Continue reading

Asthma-Proofing Your Home

Often, allergies and asthma go hand in hand. Some of the triggers are the same — allergens can cause an allergy attack OR an asthma attack. Or both! Keeping the triggers under control in your home can help reduce the number of asthma attacks and even help decrease the need for inhalers and other asthma medications. What triggers an asthma attack? Allergens like pollen, mold, or dust Irritants like smoke, perfumes, or room deodorizers Exercise Infections, especially the upper respiratory kind Emotions like anxiety, fear, or anger The best thing you can do to keep your home free of allergens … Continue reading