Gas or Electric Dryer?

Trying to decide between a gas or an electric dryer? Do you really have a choice? What are the differences in each option? Check out this simple guide that will answer the most common questions and help you make the right decision. Is there a difference in efficiency? In general, gas dryers are more efficient than are electric dryers. They operate more with and almost “instant heat” as compared to electric dryers which take time to reach temperature. Also, gas dryers tend to operate at a hotter setting, and this can shorten drying time by a few minutes, but in … Continue reading

Staying Cool Without Breaking The Bank

Yesterday we were two degrees off of a record high temperature. It was 85 wonderfully warm degrees (not bad for May in the Upper Midwest). My daughter and I met up with a few of our playgroup pals at a local park. The kids chased each other over the bridges and under the slides—for three hours—while the moms melted in the sun (you can’t see the playground from the park pavilion so we couldn’t camp out in there). We took turns making sure the kids were well hydrated and kept asking them if they were ready to get ice cream. … Continue reading

Top 10 Tips For Dealing With Electrical Hazards In Your Home

Years ago our family suffered a terrible tragedy as a result of electric shock. A seemingly innocent frayed toaster cord was later found to be the culprit. This simple household device found in practically every home in the universe turned into a deadly weapon. Not a lot has been written about the risk of death from electric shock. The media tends to focus on potential fire dangers in homes, the risk of poisoning, and ways to baby proof a house, but little is said about how to prevent electric shock. The best way to reduce the risk of death from … Continue reading

Lighting For Less

Every month we get bills to pay. And every month I try to brainstorm ways to save on those bills. Electricity is expensive as we are reminded every month as that bill rolls in. But there are some ways you can help reduce your energy costs just by working on the light bulbs throughout the house. Try implementing some of these general tips and you might see a nice reduction reflected on your next electricity bill. Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Energy efficient light bulbs are just as bright as their counterparts. However, they are drastically less in cost than a … Continue reading