What is Selective Reduction?

Selective reduction is a procedure used to reduce the number of embryos in a multifetal pregnancy. This procedure is sometimes used when too many embryos implant in a pregnancy that is achieved with assisted reproductive technology. When too many embryos implant successfully the chance of carrying the pregnancy to term drops significantly. Selective reduction is generally used for pregnancies with more than two fetuses. Preventing medical problems in the pregnancy or the loss of all the fetuses is the reason for the procedure. In some cases, fetuses that are considered to be at greater risk for defects are selected for … Continue reading

Pro Life Infertility Specialists

I am writing this blog in response to a private message I received from a families.com member. She asked about finding a fertility specialist that is pro life. This is an interesting question, so I spent this morning in search of some answers. Many Christians feel conflicted when undergoing treatments for infertility, especially assisted reproductive technologies. One concern is clinics fertilizing more eggs than can be used in a single cycle. Since Christians believe these souls are living human beings, most worry about the ethics surrounding the procedures. Another issue is the use of selective reduction by many infertility clinics. … Continue reading