Is It Appropriate for an Ex to Attend Their Ex’s Funeral?

Yesterday I wrote about how my dad planned to attend my mom’s funeral. (Or, rather, I think the more appropriate term is memorial service since she wasn’t buried or otherwise interred anywhere after.) I had mentioned it to a neighbor and they expressed surprise. “Is that appropriate? I mean, they had divorced. Does he really have any right to go?” Same Reaction When Wayne’s mom showed up to his dad’s viewing I felt the same way. “Wow. She’s got some cojones.” I remember feeling both appalled and furious that she had the nerve to show her face. I mean, not … Continue reading

Holiday Plans with the Ex-Spouse

You may have been married before and you may share children with that former spouse that you and your current spouse spend time with over the holidays. Navigating the holidays with your former spouse for your child’s sake can be difficult, but it’s important that both of you do your best – if for no one other than your child. With this in mind, here are a few key things to keep in mind where your ex-spouse is concerned: Plan ahead – if your ex-spouse has your child for Christmas Day and you have them on the day after, make … Continue reading