Supporting a person with Panic Disorder (2)

It takes a special person to support a friend who suffers from panic attacks and is using exposure therapy to recover from their condition. Patience, perseverance, understanding, and a caring nature are essential to facilitate recovery. But with help, you can learn to assist your friend overcome this debilitating condition. Following on from our first article in this series, here are some more tips to move your friend towards recovery. 1. Accept that it is up to your friend to decide what they can and cannot do in each session. It is not up to you to set the goals, … Continue reading

Supporting a person with Panic Disorder (1)

To be a support to a person suffering from Panic Disorder requires understanding and infinite patience. Panic attacks are very frightening ordeals; so frightening that a person will do anything to avoid having one. Panic attacks are beyond the normal experience of everyday anxiety and therefore are difficult for a person who has never experienced one to understand. However, people who suffer from regular panic attacks will voluntarily give up activities that they once enjoyed, such as going to the beach, the movies, even on holiday, just so they can experience peace rather than panic. Often they are forced to … Continue reading