“You’re Not Still Nursing Her, Are You?”

Immediately after church last week a dear older woman walked up to me and said, “You’re not still nursing her, are you?” Her tone was full of accusation and condemnation and her opinion was clear: If I was still putting my fourteen-month-old daughter to breast, I was completely deranged and likely damaging my daughter as well. As a breastfeeding advocate, I should have confidently replied, “Yes, and I’m proud of it because it’s the best thing for my baby.” Instead, I found myself completely defensive. I actually felt as though nursing my daughter at her age might be wrong. I … Continue reading

Breastfeeding: How Long Is Too Long?

You’ve probably laughed at the humorous jabs in movies and sitcoms aimed at the idea of breastfeeding “older” children. But if you are enjoying a breastfeeding relationship with your infant, at some point you will start to consider whether or when you should wean your child. You might be surprised to learn that the worldwide average length of breastfeeding each child is about 4 years. This is because many societies encourage children to continue breastfeeding until they wean themselves. For many nations, this is an economical and nutritional lifesaver for the family as water is often polluted, formula is way … Continue reading