Affordable Ways to Combat the Winter Blues

So much for my New Year’s resolution. I’ve been consuming carbs at a frightening pace while battling severe allergies. Truthfully, I doubt the two are correlated.  Rather, I am blaming the wicked winter weather.   I’d bet a hundred bucks I wouldn’t be tempted to gorge on donuts, French toast and cinnamon buns if I were basking on a beach right now… in a bikini. Winter is brutal here in the Upper Midwest, which is why so many people suffer with seasonal doldrums.  The winter blues can strike family members of all ages, including children.  Consequently, it’s a good idea to … Continue reading

Five Free Family Fun Moments

Family fun doesn’t have to be expensive or even cost a thing at all. While taking in a movie and snacks at the theater might cost you $60 or more per family, isn’t it nice to know that there are still some things in life that are free? 1. Family game night. The popularity of family game night might have started as a marketing campaign for Hasbro to get you to buy more games, but the idea is not a bad one. Many of us grew up playing board games and have many fond memories of the hours we spent … Continue reading

How to Have a Family Game Night

Having a Family Game Night can not only be a lot of fun but a great way to bond with your family members and save money on entertainment. Here is how to put one together quickly and easily. Set a Date Whether you want to have a family game night once a week or once a month you have to set a date. Just thinking that you will vaguely get to it one night usually means that it will never happen. Put the date on the calendar and stick with it. Ignore the protests and tell everyone they have to … Continue reading