Find Coupons in Your Inbox

We all know where to find the obvious sources of coupons. Check out the weekly paper ad at your favorite grocery store (or visit their website for it). Browse through online coupons from Target,, and others. It is the more unusual sources that people tend to overlook. Today, I will share with you some ways to get a lot of coupons sent to your inbox. Arm & Hammer Sign up to get their newsletter, and you also will get access to the coupons on their website. The newsletter includes a link that takes you directly to their coupons, and … Continue reading

Dumpster Diving Diva!

Since the Deals-a-go-go (DAGGS) merge with, there has been a bustle of activity over on the forums. For someone like me, a die-hard frugal gal, their concepts were made just for me. Between coupons, and stockpiling and trading and scouring ads, it’s almost like a full time job. In the past week I’ve learned more about how to clip my coupons, how to save them, what to do with them, when to use them and how many I should have, that I am overwhelmed by all the information. But slowly, I am processing everything and my brain is adjusting … Continue reading