Tropical Fish Basics

An aquarium can be a lovely addition to a home or office; the sight of colorful fish and the sound of water can be fascinating and very calming. Here are some tips to get you started with a tropical aquarium. In general, you can have one inch of fish per gallon of water. Be sure to think about the adult size of your fish, not just the juvenile size! Avoid overcrowding your tank — this increases the frequency of tank maintenance and can make your fish uncomfortable. With larger sized fish, you may want to provide two or three gallons … Continue reading

Wall Art or Fish Tank?

As I mentioned in my article, Shopping the Sales: Cool Christmas Clearance for Pet Lovers, I’d like to have an aquarium some day. I was thinking along the lines of a basic fish bowl, some rocks, one fish, maybe a sunken treasure or castle or something for decoration. That was until I saw the AquaVista 500. I stumbled across it in a magazine, but when I went to the product maker’s website I discovered they’ve been featured on the CBS’s The Early Show and HGTV’s I Want That. I can see why, they have a pretty neat product. Now, in … Continue reading

Moving Your Aquarium

Making a move? Bringing your fish along doesn’t have to be a hassle, but you do need to be careful. Tropical fish are susceptible to sudden changes in water temperature, so you need to take precautions to keep them safe. Unless your tank is a small one (five gallons or less) you’ll need to take your tropical fish out of the aquarium for moving. If you are moving the fish in your small aquarium, be sure to take out anything that might shift in transit and break the glass: the aerator, heater, hood, and accessories. Take half the water out … Continue reading

When Kids Share a Room

How do you decide which way to decorate your children’s bedroom when two kids with distinctly different tastes share the room? You want things to coordinate, but the items each child chooses absolutely don’t go with the things the other child likes. It’s quite a dilemma. You want both children to feel like the room is his or hers, but you don’t want chaos when it comes to décor. Everything does not have to match perfectly, but you don’t want things to clash either. You may be able to find a compromise. In fact, you may be able to divide … Continue reading

Aquarium Chillers

Utilizing aquarium chillers, or aquarium coolers as they are commonly referred to, is important since it is one of the best ways to insure that the temperature in your aquarium remains controlled in any environment and especially during hot weather. No matter which type of tank you maintain, an aquarium chiller can help you keep your temperature at a consistent level. Tank lighting and pumps give off heat, which can make temperatures rise quickly, especially during warmer months. Aquarium chillers help stabilize temperatures under even extreme conditions. Many aquatic species are very sensitive and require a stable environment, so even … Continue reading