Fitness Goes to the Dogs

Do you remember the scene in One Hundred and One Dalmatians when Pongo comments on how dogs and their owners often look the same? It’s a mildly humorous statement, yet it can be accurate. Your dog may be a very accurate reflection of your personal health. If your dog is overweight, chances are he or she isn’t getting enough exercise. Does that suggest that maybe you aren’t getting enough exercise too? The average pet owner that walks their dogs regularly is going to cover more ground than those who just hit the gym to work out. Studies suggest that dog … Continue reading

The Four Kinds of Walking

Did you know there were other kinds of walking? For most of us, walking is pretty self-explanatory. You put one foot in front of the other and that’s all there is to it. You wouldn’t be totally wrong because walking is walking, but there are different ways of performing your walking in a fitness scenario. So maybe calling them the four kinds of walking is a little misleading, when what they are is four different levels to the intensity of the walking that you do. The level of walking you chose to do will have an impact on your overall … Continue reading

Yogic Walking

When it comes to finding time to work out or attend a yoga class, many moms (especially those with young children or babies) roll their eyes and grin. They don’t have time to have a quiet cup of coffee much less time for a class. There is something you can do that takes into account your need for time and your need for yoga. What is Yogic Walking? Yogic walking asks that you take a walk, striding in natural rhythm to your breathing. You don’t have to pant in order for footsteps to hit the ground at speed. Instead, you … Continue reading