Gospel Doctrine: Christ’s ‘Straightway’ and ‘Immediately’

Most of us are familiar with the story found in John 6:15-21 and Matthew 14:22-33. However, as I studied these verses, I was impressed by how quickly the Savior responded in several instances. In this portion of the lesson, the Savior sends the Twelve on a boat alone while he disperses the multitude that sought after them. He then goes up to a mountain to pray and commune with the Lord. While the disciples were on the ship, a storm came up, and they were afraid. In the fourth watch – between three and six in the morning, according to … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The ‘Burden’ of the Sabbath

Lesson 10 this week focuses on the lightness of the Savior’s yoke. At first, I had a hard time with the section included in the lesson on the Sabbath day (Matthew 12:1-13). I had difficulty relating the two together, and had to ponder it for some time (actually, several days, since I read the entire lesson on Sunday). However, as I read what the Savior taught as the purpose of the Sabbath, I came to understand how this relates to a light and easy yoke. First, of course, you must understand that the Pharisees followed the traditions of the elders, … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Wandering Through the World

As disciples of Christ, we must seek to put Him and His kingdom first. This becomes clear as we study Matthew 6:22-23 and 7:13-14. In the first section, we are told to keep our eye single to the glory of God, and in the section we are reminded of the narrow gate and the strait path we must follow to return to His presence. It becomes clear as we study these four verses that the presence of God is not something we can just “wander” into. First, let’s look at the verses in chapter 6. Make sure you take note … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Commit to Obedience

The final two sections in this chapter discuss the necessity of restitution and obedience to repentance. As I read, I was able to logically determine something that I had accepted before on faith, and figure out just why a commitment to live the commandments was so important when you are repenting. Let me start by saying that most often, we are to accept things in faith. This is how we grow spiritually. Thus if a prophet (like President Kimball) or a bishop tells you that part of the repentance process is following the Lord’s commands, you should accept it. Reason … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Straightway & Immediately

When you finish up Matthew chapter 4, you learn of the calling of Peter, Andrew, James, and John, two sets of brothers, all four fishermen. Their response to the Savior’s call showed the depth of their faith and the testimony of the Holy Ghost. If you check the JST of verse 19, you can see that Christ revealed His divine nature to Peter and Andrew. “I am he of whom it is written by the prophets.” Surely the Holy Ghost testified to them of the truth of His words. Although the scriptures do not tell us that he identified Himself … Continue reading

RS/EQ: The Time to Prepare to Meet God

Throughout eternity, the prophets have encouraged us to not procrastinate the day of our repentance. We ought not put off such an important thing; we ought not decide to wait until tomorrow when we could more easily accomplish our task today. As I studied Alma 34:30-41, as referenced in the lesson from President Kimball, I came again to recognize the importance of changing and improving our lives now, rather than later. You most likely remember this section. Alma and his brethren have come to preach to the Zoramites, who have broken off from the Nephites and perverted the ways of … Continue reading