Pet First Aid: How to Bandage a Paw

Bandaging an injured paw or footpad can be tricky. Here are some techniques you can try. First things first: clean and disinfect the wound. You don’t want to throw a bandage on there if the wound is dirty — it can get infected. Wait for things to dry, or you’ll have a hard time getting your bandage to stick. Now it’s time for the bandaging. You’ll need a gauze pad, roll gauze, tape, and an old sock. Place the gauze pad over the wound. Take a doubled strip of roll gauze and place it over the paw and under the … Continue reading

Dealing With Foot Pain

Walking is one of the greatest forms of exercise — but if your feet hurt, you probably don’t want to do much walking! Here are some stretches that can help prevent and relieve foot pain, whether you’re on your feet all day or not. Stretch your toes quickly and easily: sit in a chair with your right leg crossed over your left thigh. Lace your fingers through your toes as if you were holding hands with your foot. Squeeze your fingers (and toes) together for a ten second count, then stretch your fingers (and toes) apart for a ten second … Continue reading

Check Your Foot Shape To Get The Right Kind Of Shoe

Footprints show us where we’ve been… but they can also help point you in the right direction going forward. Your foot shape can show you the way to the right kind of shoe to reduce foot pain and body strain. So how do you figure out your foot shape? It’s quick and easy! Take off your shoes and socks. Wet the bottom of your foot. Step onto a fresh, clean piece of paper. Check out the imprint you’ve made. You have a high arch if the imprint has only a narrow band connecting the ball of the foot with the … Continue reading

Foot Fact and Fiction

Think you know all there is to know about your tootsies? Think again. Test your foot IQ with these foot fibs — see if you know the truth! FOOT FICTION: Once you’re an adult, your feet pretty much stay the same size. FOOT FACT: Weight gain, pregnancy, and even basic aging can stretch the ligaments in your feet and make them up to a whole size larger. And you can lose weight in your feet, too. Don’t just assume your feet have stayed the same — try on your shoes and make sure you’re getting a good fit. And just … Continue reading

A Pain In The Foot

Aching feet? Check this list of the top five foot complaints for symptoms and treatment. Foot cramps: muscle spasms that can attack your toes or arches. Dehydration is a major cause of foot cramps, so be sure you’re drinking enough — especially while working out. Strengthening the muscles can help cut down on cramps, too. If lactic acid builds up in the feet, the muscles can spasm. Build foot muscles by picking things up with your toes! Plantar fasciitis: an inflammation of the tissue connecting your heel bone to the base of your toes, causing a sharp pain under the … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Clean out your shoes

Ok, if I asked you how many pairs of shoes you own, how many of you could give me an honest answer? Do you have a few select pairs that you always depend on, or do you have a mountain in your closet that you dig through everyday for the perfect pair? Now, the harder question. Once you get that perfect pair on, are they killing your feet before the end of the day? Yes, fashion is important. Comfort is more important. If your shoes don’t fit properly you’re costing yourself. In the name of fashion women will commit all … Continue reading

Frugal Beauty Soak and Scrub

In an earlier blog, Witch Hazel Makes a Great Toner, I shared one of my mother’s favorite frugal secrets. She always had such glorious skin and a youthful appearance. Here is another one of her favorite staples for beauty, a soak that replenishes lost magnesium and soothes the skin. it can also be used as a gentle scrub to slough away dead skin cells and give you a healthy glow. What is this miracle product? It is a lovely little soak and scrub imported from Paris, France worth every penny of the $45 an ounce you pay for it. Okay, … Continue reading