Starting My Family History

Family history is one important aspect in the LDS culture. You may be a lot like me. I know that most of my family history has been completed generations back. I was born into a family where three of my grandparents had parents who came across with the pioneers. My mother’s father however joined the church after World War II. He was the only member in his family. He completed his four generations of family history and the temple work and shortly after this he passed away. I know that this family line needs to be completed. I, along with … Continue reading

Share Your Family History

Family history has been growing in popularity and chances are many of you have been hit with the genealogy bug: the desire to know more about your ancestors, who they were and the lives that they led. So why not share this information with your children. Give your children a chance to learn of their heritage and the great and not so great things their forbearers did. Start with your child’s or your grandparents. My grandpa died right after I was married and my grandma just after the birth of my second child. My son has faint memories of her … Continue reading