September 13 is National Celiac Awareness Day

Did you know that National Celiac Awareness Day is September 13? There are many ways that you can celebrate Celiac Awareness Day with the members of your family who must stay gluten-free. The date was selected to honor the birthday of Samuel Gee MD, a British physician and pediatrician who published the first clinical description of celiac disease, and to connect the disease with diet. Celiac disease affects about 1% of the population. It is a genetic condition that causes the body to be unable to tolerate gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, rye, barley, all … Continue reading

Rich Beef With Olives in the Crock Pot

Since over that side of the world you’re getting into Fall or Autumn as we Aussies call it, I thought I’d start sharing some of the increasing collection of great crock pot meals I’ve been trying lately. Many are adoptions form Slow Cooker by Sally Wise. I’ve just added my own bits and deices, mainly because I can’t seem to follow a recipe without fiddling and experimenting. Of course, I have also been known to make them up from scratch, but that will be the next recipe. This time here’s a rich beef casserole adapted from that Slow Cooker cook … Continue reading

Dairy Free Crock Pot Meal

As it’s getting colder here in Australia now that we’re into winter, the crock pot is going to get a lot more use. This is one that I made the other night which is warming, simple to make and tasty. It is both gluten free and dairy free. HINT The type of meat I use depends largely on what is on special. Sometimes it is just as cheap to buy rump steak or blade, than it is to buy chuck steak or gravy beef. So look for what is on special to get the best buy. Often buying in bulk … Continue reading

Quick and Easy Meal

Sometimes you just need something quick, easy and filling for a meal. On nights when I am in this position, this recipe is a good option. It’s also not an expensive option which given the economic climate is a point in its favor. This is of course a gluten free version. Ingredients 16 ounces ground beef 1 tablespoon Shiraz 1 onion 2 cloves garlic Half green bell pepper 1 teaspoon chili flakes 1 teaspoon Italian herbs 3 tablespoons tomato paste Half a 15 ounce tin of brown lentils 1 15 ounce tin mixed beans 6 gluten free corn tortillas. I … Continue reading

Lemon Seed Cake

Angela started me thinking about lemon recipes, especially given my post on the home blog today. Like Angela I am a big fan of lemons in just about anything, so I thought I’d share with you another favorite lemon recipe. This cake has a slightly unusual combination but it’s one I’ve found people really like, mainly because it’s something a bit different. It doesn’t need icing or frosting, as it has syrup poured over it. Of course as usual, this is a gluten free version. So if you are not gluten free, then simply substitute the self raising gluten free … Continue reading

Tangy Lemon Meringue Pie

Ever since I discovered the gluten free frozen pastry, I’ve been finding it a great help in the kitchen. Thanks to friends I have a lovely supply of fresh lemons at present. Our lemon tree is still in its early stages of producing, so the most we get is a couple. Last night when we were having guests for dinner I made lemon meringue pie which is my husband’s favorite dessert. HINT I’ve already given you one recipe for lemon meringue pie but this one could be even nicer. It is very tangy, which I love. The sweetness of the … Continue reading

Veal Paprika

Veal is one of those meats people either love or they can’t stand. My mother couldn’t eat veal. It made her sick. I love it. I used to buy a side of veal for the freezer. That was back in the days before veal prices got ridiculously expense. These days I mostly buy a shoulder to roast in the barbecue. I might cut some of the shoulder to use in this dish before cooking the roast. Otherwise if I see veal steak cheap I buy it. You can also use veal chops if you find them on special. But instead … Continue reading

Corn Bake

Since I’ve been on a bit of vegetable theme lately on this blog, I thought I’d share another one with you that is a particular favorite. Aside from tasting great, part of the attraction is once you’ve got the chopping and grating done, this is so simple it doesn’t take much time to make. Good for the busy cook. Although this recipe uses vegetables, it also includes bacon, so sorry, if you’re vegetarian you’ll have to pass on this one. In my opinion, it loses too much in taste if you omit the bacon. Sorry too, it won’t work for … Continue reading

Coconut Curry Chicken

As you probably know by now, I love recipes that are quick to make. This chicken dish certainly is. I’m a bit like Mary Ann in that I’m a huge fan of garlic and onion in cooking and tend to use both liberally. So if you’re not as keen on garlic you might want to reduce the quantity in this recipe and leave it at one clove of garlic and use a smaller onion. I found out early on in my married life not to tell my husband what was in his meals or he’d begin telling me, like Mary … Continue reading

Experiment with Different Flours

For the person who is gluten free, you can tend initially to stick to using either rice flour or a general all purpose gluten free flour. For self raising flour this is usually a combination of rice flour, soy flour, maize starch and tapioca starch. Gluten free flours don’t rise as well in cakes and bread as wheat flours so I often add a little baking powder as well. Recently though while shopping, instead of just reaching for the rice flour and the self raising flour, I had a little more of a browse. I ended up coming home with … Continue reading