Teaching Kids about Earth Day

I have always said that it is important to teach green ways and social consciousness to the kids. After all, they are the future! So with the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, you may want to start teaching your children to be green with a few of these ideas: * Teach children to turn off electronics such as the computer and television when not in use. * If you live near stores, take the children for a walk there instead of driving. * Teach children to turn off the lights when they leave the room. * Start … Continue reading

Earth Day 2010

Earth Day is rapidly approaching. It is the 40th anniversary and you may be wondering “What can I do?” This could be an excellent way to kick off the start of living a greener life. Here are a few tips that will help you make a difference on April 22 and every other day of your life: 1. Replace all your old light bulbs with LED or CFL light bulbs. 2. Carry reusable bags to the grocery store rather than using paper or plastic. 3. Buy locally grown produce whenever possible. 4. Lower the thermostat. 5. Turn off lights and … Continue reading

The Conundrum of Plastic Grocery Bags

Whenever possible, it is important to tote your own reusable plastic bags to the grocery store. A less green option is to opt for paper bags over plastic. Some regions are even considering adding a plastic bag fee for consumers, so that they will be charged 20 cents on average for each plastic bag that they cart out of the store. But phasing out plastic bags may have a negative effect on the environment. Believe it or not. Plastic bags have a lot of negative press. Beside using up valuable resources and landing in landfills, they can even pose health … Continue reading

Dishwashing the Green Way

If you have a dishwasher, you probably love the easy of adding the dishes, putting in the detergent, and letting the dishwasher do all the work for you. But, even using the dishwasher may be harmful to the environment. First of all, it would help if you had an Energy Star dishwasher. This will save on both energy (some use up to 25% less than traditional dishwashers) and water. Don’t put your dishwasher next to your refrigerator if you can help it. The heat generated by your dishwasher will just cause your refrigerator to work harder to keep cooler. Another … Continue reading

Quick and Easy Steps to Going Green

While the green way of living may seem more natural, many of us need to begin with baby steps. After all, we’ve been use to driving our gas guzzling SUVs everywhere, leaving lights on in the house, and running water like it was never ending. I believe some people are hesitant to go green because they think it will be difficult, but here are some easy ways to start going green: Use rechargeable batteries – the only thing is you will need to remember to charge them from time to time! Purchase energy-efficient florescent bulbs – not only are you … Continue reading

Green Beach Ideas

Here where I live in North Carolina, we are within reasonable driving distance of at least six beaches. But, some that I have gone to are not well taken care of by those visiting. I look around and see candy wrappers, cigarette butts, and water bottles everywhere. While you want to have fun at the beach, you can do it is a green way. What is some small things you can do to keep your beach looking beautiful? The most important thing is to keep the plastic at home. The Ocean Conservancy organized an international coastal cleanup and guess what … Continue reading

Green Projects for the Kitchen

Green living is not something that is going to happen overnight. You will need to look around your home and realize that certain changes need to be made. Today’s blog will start with changes in the kitchen. Of course, all these changes probably cannot be made all at once. You may not be able to afford to change out all your appliances – I know I couldn’t! But, knowing how to make your kitchen greener will help you do the right then when it comes time to make changes. If you don’t already have energy-saving appliances, consider purchasing one next … Continue reading

The Green Way to Get Rid of Spiders

(I hate spiders. I have respect for almost all other living things. I’ve been known to capture a ladybug in a cup, cover it with my hand, and then take the elevator down seven stories to set it free in the garden below my old office. But, I hate spiders. So, needless to say, I was a bit freaked out when I saw what I considered to be a large brown spider on my front porch a few weeks ago. I panicked and went for the spider spray my husband keeps in the garage for just such occasions. I hate … Continue reading

How to Recycle Crayons

Did you know that when crayons are tossed out in the garbage, they can spend almost an eternity in a landfill? Who knew that such a little think could contribute to the trash on our planet? As a household with three young children, crayons are everywhere. There are the broken ones, the ones that are of unpopular colors and the ones that get replaced when a gift of a new box of well-dressed crayons appears. Ah, it is that new crayon smell that no one can resist. There are several ways that you can recycle crayons and keep them out … Continue reading

Easy Household Ways to Go Green

While new windows and electric cars are great ways to go green and take care of the environment, there are also a number of smaller but equally effective steps that you can take in your home to cut down on your impact to the environment. Eliminate the paperwork Paying your bills online and asking for electronic delivery of your bills and statements can reduce not only the paper itself, but the fuel consumption to deliver all of those bills, statements and checks. Eliminate the vampire electronics Many electronics consume power even when they are turned off or not being actively … Continue reading