Money Is Not Evil

Money is the root of all evil. I’m sure you’ve heard that before. I’ve heard it a lot. I’ve even had to correct one pastor who uttered those very words. I hear or read it mostly in relation to debt. I guess that money is the problem instead of spending beyond one’s means. It’s just another way to not take responsibility for actions. It wasn’t me. The devil made me do it. It was the Twinkies. Money is not evil. Credit cards are not evil. Mortgages are not evil. These things are inanimate objects that serve a purpose. They are … Continue reading

A Serious Conversation about Affairs.

The other day Mick and I had a serious conversation about affairs. No, neither of us is planning on having one. We were talking about Mary Ann’s recent article as to the primary cause of affairs. The conversation started when I’d asked Mick what he thought it might be. He said ‘greed. They’re not happy with what they’ve got and want something more.’ The other things he mentioned were ‘opportunity and dissatisfaction.’ If people were getting what they needed at home they wouldn’t feel the need to stray and look for something else. It’s when they’re not getting what they … Continue reading

What Annoys Me About Mother’s Day

What annoys me about Mother’s Day is, first and foremost, the way it has been taken over by commercialism. TVs and catalogues run ads like ‘buy Mom a diamond ring or pendant, a washing machine,’ etc – the assumption being that the more money is spent on the gift, the more we value Mom. Rubbish! Two of my most treasured gifts are 3 paperbacks and a hand made bracelet. My son made the bracelet of red, white and green clay around thirty years ago. Like his mother he’s not the most adept person when it comes to crafts, so anything … Continue reading

RS/EQ: A Continuing Prosperity

President Kimball makes it very clear that the possession of wealth, money, and things is not, in and of itself evil. Describing the Nephites in their aforementioned cycle, he states, “Had the people used their wealth for good purposes they could have enjoyed a continuing prosperity.” It stands to reason, then, that the same should be true of us. If we make sure we use our blessings for the building up of the Lord’s kingdom, we will continue to prosper. (My initial thought, incidentally, was to state we will retain possession of our wealth. This is not always true, as … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Root of All Evil

In Luke 12:13-21, Jesus gives the parable of the rich man who set aside plenty of food to last him for years, yet found himself standing before God that same night. Many times, I have read this and wondered just what the Savior had against food storage (and after all, aren’t we supposed to be storing food?). Only recently have I come to realize that the problem was not from the act of storing plenty but from the attitude. In verse 15, just prior to giving the parable, the Lord cautions against covetousness. I loved the footnote found that references … Continue reading