6 Steps to a Simple, Nonmaterialistic Life

Six easy steps you can take, starting today, to live a more simple and debt-free life  Live Below Your Means Did you know that the average American spends $1.25 for each dollar he or she actually earns? Scary isn’ it? We live in a culture where living above your means is so normal, so casual, that we don’t even realize it. Create a budget and aim to live below your means, not above. Value Usefulness Over Status The clothes we choose, the cars we drive, the homes we live in and the electronics we carry sometimes are often purchased for … Continue reading

The Little Story of a Green Wedding

Andrea Parris and Peter Geyer wanted to get married, but like many couples, they needed money. Oh, they weren’t planning on a $50,000 extravagant wedding, but they did need a reasonable $3,800 to make Andrea’s dream wedding come true. The problem was that Andrea lost her marketing writer job right after the couple had purchased a new home in Spokane, Wash. Worried that she would never be able to afford her wedding, Andrea woke up one night with a great idea – aluminum cans. She woke Peter at 1 a.m. and told him of her plans. She wanted to collect … Continue reading

No Wire Hangers

No, no, I am not talking about the Joan Crawford tirade “I told you! No wire hangers, ever!” No Wire Hangers is the name of a green home organizing business located in Los Angeles and owned by Julie Naylon. Julie is a professional organizer who is also passionate about being eco-friendly. A lot of people want to be green, but may stop short because they aren’t exactly sure what to do (and don’t read my blog!). Julie helps them lead a “more ecologically minded lifestyle.” Julie grew up concerned about the environment, but ended up in the entertainment business after … Continue reading

Ways to Go Green for Lent

Some people know how to be green, but have a hard time applying it. If you observe Lent as a time to abstain from something, consider these ways to go green: Fast from workday lunch I cannot fast because of my blood sugar. But, those like that like to fast during Lent can consider fasting from their workday lunch. If you eat out, you will save on gas (which also cuts down on emissions) and waste (especially if you drive-thru to get takeout). Consider taking your lunch hour to take a prayer walk or meditate. Fast from the television I … Continue reading

Consuming Big

One of the problems we face in terms of eco-friendly living is in our nature. The instinct to hunt and gather, to put things away for the winter, to be prepared, to consume big in case there is a shortage in the future. Humans aren’t the only ones who do this, of course. Think of the squirrels who sack away as many nuts as possible to get them through the cold weather. Or think about how some pets will eat and eat and eat until the dish is empty or they become deceased from the excess. There is nothing wrong … Continue reading

Environmentally Friendly Gifts

Christmas and holiday gift giving is getting both harder and easier to do each year. I remember having to stretch my dollars to buy gifts for people that I hardly new: the person I see at the office coffee machine in the morning, kids of acquaintances, and a bevy of college friends. These days, things are a bit easier in the sense that most of us have agreed to stop the present giving madness. We are toning down the excess, which is always a good thing. Instead, we chose things for our immediate family, parents and very close friends. It … Continue reading

US Ark of Taste

You may have heard of the slow food movement, which is a direct antithesis of the modern fast food reality. The slow food movement is a grassroots idea of slowing down and linking the pleasure and nutrition of food to a commitment to the planet. I’ll be blogging more about this movement. For now, though, I wanted to focus on one organization called the US Ark of Taste. This domestic program aims to protect the variety of natural food on the planet. right now, there are hundreds of foods that are actually in danger of extinction from the planet, never … Continue reading

Does Going Vegetarian Really Reduce Carbon Emissions?

People who are interested in practicing green living may tell you that eating less meat or going completely vegetarian will lower your carbon footprint. The problem is that while raising animals for food, especially beef, takes a lot of energy and causes a lot of carbon emission, the truth is that you may actually have a larger footprint when you go vegetarian. Here is why. Many vegetarians turn to milk products such as yogurt and cheese to substitute some of the animal protein that is eaten by non vegetarians. The problem arises because some of these milk products may actually … Continue reading

Going Green, Social Consciousness, and Our Kids

We are being inundated with green issues such as global warming and new products that will help us be “greener,” but sometimes we forget another aspect of being green – social consciousness. You have probably seen me write about the three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle. But what about remember, as in remember those less fortunate than us. Is there any better lesson to teach your children? Social consciousness starts at home. What better way to teach our children to make the world a better place than to volunteer and take them along with us? Food banks always need a … Continue reading

Sustainable Fashion Designer Tierra Del Forte

Tierra Del Forte may not be a designer name you have heard of, but she is trying to change the jean industry into a more environmentally friendly place. She knows the female curves and understands how to design jeans to make women look their best. Tierra started out working with conventional denim, but then decided to make a switch to a more eco-friendly style when she started her own company – Del Forte Jeans. She was inspired if you will after trips to China, where she said the environmental impact was much more visible because China doesn’t impose the same … Continue reading