Don’t Let Guilt Get the Better of You

Guilt can be a destructive emotion. It can take over and overwhelm us. Don’t let guilt get the better of you. It’s easy said but sometimes not so easy to do. We all feel at times that we let people down, or that we don’t behave the way we should. As we’ve no doubt discovered, there will always be those to criticize and heap guilt on you. This can happen when we don’t do what other people expect us to or think we should. It can happen when, despite our best intentions, plans don’t work out and we are not … Continue reading

The Church is Full of Hypocrites

The church is full of hypocrites. Have you ever heard that comment? Maybe you’ve even said it or thought it yourself? There are times when I feel like a hypocrite. For example the other day I let frustration and anger get the better of me. Afterwards I felt awful about the situation. But sadly, as is so often the case, it wasn’t something I could go back and fix. I was left replaying the situation over and over in my mind. Then on Sunday I was up leading the singing in church. I felt like the biggest hypocrite, even more … Continue reading

Two Shopping Tales

Riversled’s post in the forum about shopping sure made me stop and think. The way she kept watching me,I’m sure last weekend one of the people in a large shop thought I was trying to shoplift.I guess it was because I kept glancing around me nervously. The reality was I was trying to buy a Christmas gift for Mick and make sure he didn’t see me. After shopping for family, we’d spilt up to go shopping for each other’s gifts. Knowing he was somewhere in the shopping complex, I was trying to keep an eye out and not get sprung … Continue reading

Stay-at-Home-Mom Says Record Game Show Win “Lessens Guilt”

It took three long seasons, but finally, someone landed the top prize on “Deal or No Deal.” Just a few days ago a 27-year-old pregnant stay-at-home mom became the popular game show’s first-ever million-dollar winner. Jessica Robinson, from Sandee, Utah picked the lucky briefcase on Monday’s show and made herself a millionaire. Two things struck me when I saw her follow up interview: A.) The reason she chose the briefcase she did and B.) The reason she tried out for the show. Let’s look at A. first: According to Robinson, she had a winning strategy from the start. The enthusiastic … Continue reading

How To Deal With Guilt – Part 2

Yesterday we considered the first step in dealing with guilt, is the need to admit what we have done wrong. The glorious thing is when we confess our sins to God and truly repent of them, God removes them from His sight. ‘As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us,’ Psalm 103:12 The trouble is though God forgives us and removes our sins, we often struggle to forgive ourselves and remove them from our sight. Instead we keep going back to them as a child goes back and picks over … Continue reading

How To Deal With Guilt – Part 1

No doubt all of us have done things we’re ashamed of and wish we could erase or do over – things that make us feel guilty. That guilt can have far reaching effects on us, on our emotional and physical health and also on our relationships with others. So what can we do to deal with that guilt? And yes I know about guilt. I carried guilt around for a long time before I allowed God to help me deal with it. So what can we do to deal with guilt? The first step is to admit that what we … Continue reading

Our Kids Don’t Owe Us ANYTHING

While I like to tease my kids about how they will be taking care of me in my old age just to watch them moan and roll their eyes, the truth is, our kids are not here to take care of us, pay us back or in any way make our parenting worthwhile. In fact, I believe that it is we who owe them… I think it is a mistake and a set-up for guilt trips and power struggles if we parents are convinced that our children owe us or that they should somehow pay us back for the upbringing … Continue reading

Dealing With Grief

Recently I overheard two women in the supermarket car park talking about the death of someone they knew. One said, ‘It happened so suddenly and that’s always harder to cope with.’ ‘Such a shock to the family. No one was prepared,’ the other woman agreed. Is it harder to cope with? I’d dispute that. Are we ever prepared for death? I thought about my own experience with the death of my parents. Yes, Dad’s death left us in shock. It also left me feeling guilty. I was the only home with him when it happened and I used to think … Continue reading

Just Doing the Best We Can

As much as we hate to admit it, we’re just mortals. We have limitations, we have aching backs, sometimes our feet are killing us at the end of the day. We get headaches. We run out of steam. There are days when we leap out of bed, read our scriptures, prepare a wonderful breakfast for the whole clan, get all the laundry done, our visiting teaching calls made, knit a sweater, and make bread all before noon. Then there are days when it’s all we can do to roll over and glare at the alarm clock. We feel as though … Continue reading

Is Your Conscience Helping or Hurting Your Parenting?

I have to admit that sometimes in the world of parenting my conscience can be a bit help—it spurs me on to do the right thing and helps guide me in making decent decisions on behalf of my children. Other times, however, my conscience can eat me alive! Oh, that guilt that tends to come from someplace outside myself and settles in to make me feel horrible! There are definitely times when my conscience is more of a bother than a help… For example, I have become rather sensitive to the Green Police and every time I consider throwing away … Continue reading